32. Tyler/Keya

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I was just busy feeding the dogs right after I ate early dinner with my sisters and parents. The NHL is about to have an All-Stars week in the next few days so I'm going to spend that said week with my family in Dallas. In the last three years since Keya left, I spent all my life focusing on hockey, my family and therapy.

I decided to close down my clothing business that I established with my ex-girlfriend before just for me to erase all the bad past memories with her. The three years that have passed changed me a lot and made me a better person.

Keya's words is still there in my system. She was right, my life is messed up that's why I spent it with me getting better in order for me to be worthy-- to be accepted back again and be with my son. As of now, I'm better than before. I already knew what was wrong with me and what are the things that I should improve and work on.

The last three years was me trying real hard to contact Keya, doing all the efforts to reach and see her, to meet my son but she's nowhere to be found. Plus her friends are quite tough in not telling me any informations about where Keya is. I badly wanted to meet my son already!
But I am never giving up. After the game season, I'm flying back to Edinburgh again to search for her. Yup! I have been spending my summers in Scotland since last year to go find my family.

After I fed the dogs, I head straight to the living room for a quick movie night with my family. As I settle on the couch next to my mom, my phone rings and Alex Radulov's message popped on the screen.

Alex: hey dipshit, guess who's back.

I'm kinda confused about what he was talking about so I immediately shoot him a text back. As far as I know, Jamie and him went to go grab some dinner with some of our friends and I decided to pass up since I am having a family dinner in the house right now.

Me: ??? who?

Alex: ur baby mama.

Me: stfu! Stop playing w/ me asshole.

I shoot a reply shutting him down, but my heart couldn't stop from skipping up a bit.

Alex: i'm not!

Instead of responding on his text, I called Jamie instead. I know how stubborn Alex is and that's why I need someone who will never play along and is totally reliable-- the team captain. Within five rings Jamie decided to finally pick up.

"What's up Segs?" Jamie said on the other line.

"Are you with Alex right now? What the hell is he talking about?" I immediately said not wanting to play around the bush.

Jamie was silent up a bit and the next thing I heard was a series of inaudible quick murmurs.

"...not to tell him? Are you out of your mind?" Jamie hisses and another inaudible murmurs came next.

"You didn't!" Alex replied and I was just there trying to listen clearly on their conversation.

"What the actual shit is going on?" I inserted as I hear Jamie and Alex's voices clearly on the phone.

"Oh no. Nothing!" Jamie replied clearing his throat. "You know how huge of a dumbass Rad gets, he's just playing around Segs."

I sighed both caused by my frustration and annoyance, since I thought Alex is already telling me the truth. "Where the hell are you guys? I'm going to punch Alex throat."

Jamie chuckles. "Seriously bro, calm down."

I released a long exhale again. "That was not a good joke."

The Baby-Daddy: A Tyler Seguin FanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu