33. Tyler

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Arriving in the assigned hotel for the All-stars game, awards and charity event is quite pumping. When I went out of the bus to head into our respective hotel rooms in the venue there are already a bunch of fans waiting for us to sign their jerseys and posters.

I'm sharing these whole week of fun experience with my close friends in the team Alex and Jamie. I have been always getting an invite for this event but after the issue involving me and the Switzerland's VP and Elise-- nada!

Not until today.

Well probably because I have been getting back on the grind again and beginning to top the scoring boards in the whole league again. So I guess the organization and the fans decided to go invite and see me during the All-stars again.

Jamie, Alex and I head to the building's twenty-fifth floor since we are assigned to stay in a room just next to each other. Getting followed by the team cameraman of course and the Dallas Star's PR team! There are also other media teams we stumble upon so smiling and saying our hello's is a must-- if you don't want to be seen as rude or something.

I am supposed to be so used to this, during my first few years here I am totally loving the attention. Smiling on cameras, on interviews, saying hello to fans but guess when you get older and getting used to the lifestyle you somehow just want to chill and avoid cameras sometimes.

I, on the otherhand seems very uncomfortable getting surrounded with cameras sometimes due to the traumatic events happened to me in the past, to be specific, due to the case I faced against Elise and her fiance. I fucking hate that part of my life!

Yes, I managed to won the case but no matter how unfair those two people did to me. I sometimes also felt guilty that I ruined their relationship, however, I always told myself that my therapist was right. It is definitely not my fault, it was their karma!

"Right boys, All-stars welcome party dinner and charity night is at seven p.m.. Get some rest!" Wilma said, the head of our PR team and basically the one who will took care of our schedules this week.

After she said that, the three of us head to our respective rooms to chill and wait until seven strikes.

"Oh peace in hell!"

As I was about to enter into my room Jamie bumps into someone which caught my attention. And not just that, the voice seems very familiar.
The phrase the woman said lingers in my head too, I have never heard anyone in my life curse those words but only Keya. So instead of heading inside to my room, I run towards Jamie.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there. What are you doing here?" I heard Jamie said.

"I was just here assisting Amanda. Jezz! I'm such a klutz. Wha--"

"Keya?" I called.

I'm stunned. I barely can't even move. My throat is fucking dry! This is not some kind of a hallucination, I'm fucking standing in front of Keya. She's in front of me.

I didn't said any word.

My whole adrenaline went rushing due to complete happiness! After years of trying to find her, she's finally here in front of me. I went towards her and hugged her tight!

"Oh my god! You're back!" I said releasing my hug and cup her cheeks. "How have you been? I've been looking all over for you. How's our baby? Where is he?"

I just couldn't get my head around it. Keya is here, I am finally holding her back again in my arms. She's back! Oh my goodness she's back! I hugged her again, filling all the gaps of the last three years that I lost her.

"I should go and you guys should talk." Jamie announced excusing himself to get into his room, when he closes the door of his room I looked on Keya's eyes again.

I miss her, and she looks even better than before. Longer hair, breathtaking eyes, she's as stunning as ever. Even more stunning!

"Let's get into my room. We have so many things to talk about Key!"

"No." She firmly said and everything hits me. I began to notice her facial reaction, she's clearly not pleased to see me right now.

Then everything happened flashes back and I suddenly felt my heavy heart.

"Keya, I am really sorry. Can we just please talk and hear my explanations this time?" I slowly said holding her hands.

"Not now Seguin." She replied avoiding my gaze. "I'm currently working. This is not the right time and place to talk."

"When then?" I said in complete desperation trying to grab her on her waist but she stopped my arms real quick.

She stared on my eyes for few seconds right before answering.


And after that, she started walking away. I wasn't able to call her back again since there are media who suddenly appeared asking me to do a quick interview. I can't risk Keya's privacy and let the media feast about who she is and why is she related to me, I can't do that. So I let her walk away for now.

I know we'll be seeing each other again, now that she is back here in Texas again. I want to hug her, I even wanted to kiss her so bad! But I know that we're not on that level even if we already have a baby together.

As I throw myself on the bed when I finally get inside my hotel room, I couldn't help myself but cry in complete happiness knowing that she is back. Now, all I have to do is meet my son. Win Keya back-- win my family back!

I am smiling and crying like a complete idiot thinking that what I am praying for is finally coming! I grab my phone and texted my mom that I saw Keya earlier.

Oh god! I have never felt so happy in my life! I didn't expected that I'll be seeing her here. I smiled again like a completely crazy person, I can't wait to meet my son now. For sure, my son is with her right? Oh! I hope so.

I always dream of holding my son and spoiling him with everything he wants!

The Baby-Daddy: A Tyler Seguin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now