27. Tyler

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This has been the lowest point of my life, I thought being cheated on by Elise was the worst but being left by the girl who carries my child hits different.

So damn different!

In the past couple of weeks passed, my future son became one of the sources of my strength but now-- I don't know what to do anymore. Keya has officially thrown me out of my son's life. But it doesn't mean that I won't fight for my right as the child's father either.

My life is shit, I am well-aware of that but after Keya left reality strikes through me. I was a huge asshole in the past years, totally misguided, and been making wrong decisions since. But now I already know exactly what I want in life.

When Keya said that I should fix my life, everything just hits me.

Now, I want to win my son back. I want to win my family back. Yes, Keya and I aren't a couple but she's my baby-mama.

We are family!

I sighed as I wipe the tears that have been flowing down my face eversince Keya left a while ago. I stop myself from drinking alcohol, that's just a dick move!

I called my mom instead. I'm ready to confess everything, if I keep these all to myself I might be eaten alive once again and it might brought me back to my personal hellhole. I'm not gonna let that happen this time around!

Within just three rings, she immediately picked up.

"Oh thank goodness! You finally decided to return all my calls. Tyler! What the hell did you just do? I'm flying there tonight and you can't stop me." My mom's ever concerned voice flaring on the speakers of my phone.

But instead of answering her, I just found myself sobbing. I just can't handle the world right now, fuck! It's been years since the last time I found myself crying like a goddamn kid to my mom but I'm pretty fucked up for so long now, I just can't take it anymore.

"Oh Tyler honey..." My mom sounded with her sweetest voice.

"I need you here mom. And I have to tell you something." I finally said trying to have a straight voice.

"Okay Ty, I will fly there." She replied. "I'll be there as early as seven tomorrow. Are you good by yourself right now?"

"I think I'm good mom."


Nine o'clock the next morning my mother finally arrived dragging her suitcases inside the house. I personally told her that I am not going to pick her up at the airport because I am mentally ill, my mom have also suggested to just let me stay home to rest my mind and she'll just order for a cab services.

When she saw me walking towards her, she dropped everything and hugged me tight. I want to cry, but tears just doesn't want to fall from my eyes today.

My mom hugged me longer and I did the same. I am very close to my mom, probably because she is such a huge supporter of my career and have worked hard inorder for me to play hockey ever since I was a kid.

"Let's go make some breakfast first Ty." My mom said guiding me to my kitchen. "Have you been eating healthy these days?"

"Mom, you know I don't cook that much in here." I answered.

My mom didn't replied and rummage into the cupboards and fridge. She was even surprised to see a lot of groceries in there, probably because Keya tends to shop a lot of groceries for herself and she buys me some too.

"You don't cook but you have so many stocks of groceries in here." She commented.

I sighed. "Let's have some breakfast first right before I explain everything."

My mind is pretty clear now but it doesn't mean that I'm not devastated about what happened yesterday anymore. I still am!

I was so drained yesterday because aside from Keya leaving me, I also have to deal with the issue I have with Elise and in the hockey organization.

Thankfully, it was settled with McCovey only demanding a fine from me instead of officially filing a case. Because I already made a statement about not wanting anything from Elise anymore. It was good, but from the fact that I am suspended until next season is really hard to accept.

Right after my mom and I ate our breakfast, we decided to settle on the porch outside.

"So what really happened Ty? To be honest with you son, I am already tired hearing anything that involves Elise. Can't you just move on?"

"I know I was really weak mom and being stupid." I started. "Guess I was just really sad that when Elise tried to reach to me I just gave in right away, not thinking about all the betrayal that she did in the past."

"And you just realized that now?"

I nodded. "Yeah, after losing everything. And after Keya left."

"Who's Keya?" My mom repeated.

I sighed gathering my shit together because I'm about to tell her the situation. "This is actually the reason why I want you here mom because I need to tell you a secret that I have been keeping to all of you in the past six months."

"What is it Tyler?"

"I knocked up someone."

"You what?!" My mom said in complete surprise. "Tyler, why did you keep this a secret from me? You knocked up someone, how--" My mom didn't finish her sentence and decided to throw the nearest pillow she could find. She's super annoyed.

"Why did you keep this a secret from me?" My mom asked again in complete rage.

"Because I don't want you to freak out!"

"That's bullshit! What's really the reason Ty?"

I sighed again. "Because I was hoping that Elise and I will pick up the pie--"

"Where is she now?"

"I don't know. She moved out just yesterday." I answered.

"So does that mean she used to live here?"

I nodded. "Mom I don't know what to do anymore. I can't lose my son! I want my son."

And tears just started falling down from my eyes thinking about my baby. My mom reach for me and hug me tight, she also started crying.

"Don't worry son, we will find her. You're gonna get your son." My mom reassured. "We're going to get my grandson."

I chuckled as I wipe my tears.

"I'm ready to be a father mom." I announced. "And I want to go to therapy maybe, I want to be a better person for him."

"That is a great news son. Great news."

The Baby-Daddy: A Tyler Seguin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now