Chapter 18: Zack's plan

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Today, Harold and the girls headed to school for the day and headed to their first class but what they didn't know is that Zack and his friends grabbed their guns out of their cases and loaded them and put them in their backpacks but Scott wanted to back out but Zack will blackmail him if he did.

    So they acted naturally and headed to their classes as well. During class, Nika and Harold were working on their science experiment for their assignment. Harold grabbed the filled breaker and placed it over the bunsen burner while Nika wrote down the results on the paper.

"Ok nothing serious but bubbling on this chemical with heat." Nika said.

"It's only baking soda with some water. Should do something fun than this." Harold said.

"True but we are dissecting a normal frog tomorrow." She said as she moved the flask into the empty sink to let cool off.

    After class, Nika and Harold went to their lockers for a minute to get their books for next class. Harold then saw Zack giving him the scary smirk at him from the other end of the hall. Harold closes the door fast and catches up with Nika as they head to English class.

   Meanwhile, Zack and his friends hid in the bathroom to wait for everyone to wait to get them to head in class. Zack pulled his gun out and checked the clip and ammo and reloaded it. As the bell rang. They walked out into the empty hallway and walked to Harold's assigned classroom until they unexpectedly ran into the principal.

"What's going on here?! Why aren't you in class?! You three should be..."


  Without hesitation, Zack shot the anthro principal in the head. Scott and Ken jumped in fear by what he did.

"What the fuck did you do?!" Ken shouted.

"Well he deserved it anyway for being in the way. No one will! I want that damn human dead!" Zack shouted.

      Ken and Scott noticed he's not the same anymore but can't back out now. They moved the principal's body and hid it into the janitor's closet. Then they waited in the boys restroom to wait for the moment to kill Harold..As the bell rang, everyone got out of class and Nika and Harold held hands and headed to their next class.
     Just then, Zack and his friends came out and sees Harold not far. Zack fired his gun a few times.


    Nika pulled Harold down and fortunately Zack missed him. Everyone started screaming and panicked as they ran out of the way. Then, Zack shot a teacher in the head and tried to aim at Harold. Nika grabbed Harold and carried him to safety.

   Just then, the fire alarm sounded and all the students ran into their classrooms while Zack and his friends kept randomly firing bullets.

   Nika took Harold into the maintenance room and hid. Harold was really scared and Nika hugged him tight. Just then all the lights got turned off and everyone hid into random rooms and locked the doors

"We are in huge trouble now." Scott said.

"So what?" Zack said.

"I can't do this anymore! You murdered two people!" Scott shouted.


   Scott fell to the ground dead and Ken got terrified of what he did. The two continued hunting Harold and Nika down while the school is in lock down.

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