Chapter 4: Nince High school

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      The next morning, Sarah knocked on Harold's door and said, "Time to get up sweetie! You don't want to be late on your first day of school!"

     Harold got up and moaned since he really had a night partying. He went to take a shower and got his clothes ready on the bed. In the kitchen, Sarah was making some pancakes while Jack was sitting down reading the newspaper. He saw Harold coming in and sat down.

"morning son." Jack said.

"Morning dad." Said Harold.

Sarah then served him a plate and started to chow down fast since he only have a few minutes till he have to catch the subway on time to school.


He said goodbye to his parents and left to the underground subway and looked around to find the right route. He found the right one since he noticed a few people have backpacks which it is the right subway train to get on. He was able to grab a seat to sit down on while he waits to arrive his next stop. It was really crowded of human and fur standing while they wait to their destination which was really hard to see around. Harold decided to play on his switch for some past time.

10 minutes has past and noticed the subway started to slowdown to his stop. Everyone started to walk out and Harold looks on his phone to find the high school on the map. He walked up the steps to the surface and sees Nince high school just across the street. As he walked inside, he sees many students and teachers walking around to their classes. He was a little nervous since he doesn't know anyone. The school is mostly populated with Furries and there is some humans as well. The school is filled of 77% of furry and the 23% of human. the human males are mostly targeted by female furries since they think they are cute and easy just because humans are smaller than furries. Harold looked for his first classroom until he felt a hand grab him and was softly pinned on the wall.

"Well what do we have here? Some fresh cute meat to love on." The female Wolf says as he pins hims on the wall and gives him a lustful stare.

Harold was nervous as he felt her breast covering his head. Then a girl snow leopard and a female fox went close to him as well and tried to tease him more. Harold can't move his arm or anything and felt one of them nipping his ear.

"Hah! Please don't..."

"What was that? Sorry I couldn't hear you." Said the female Wolf while she was licking his neck.

Just then some teachers came and told them to leave him alone.

"Ok ok, girls, leave him alone and go to class. As the furry students did and went for class. Harold made it to history class sits down at his seat. Then, he saw Nika coming in and smiled when she saw him.

"Hey Nika."

"Hey Harold. Looks like we have history class together."

"Yeah. Thats great. What other classes do you have?" He asked.

"well let's see..." Nika said as she pulled her class schedule out.

They compared their classes and noticed all of their classes are all same.

"Wow! Looks like we have every class together." Said Harold.

"Yeah. Looks like you won't be alone. Since I'm here for you." Said Nika.

During class, they passed notes to each other while the teacher was giving the class a video documentary. Nika passed a note to Harold and he opens and reads it

The note says: Do you like me Harold?

Harold wrote a note back and passed it to her. Nika opened and read it and smiled happily that he said yes. After class, they walked in the hall and decided to hold hands since they decided to start a relationship together. Nika noticed that a few furries girls were getting jealous of her dating Harold and she likes to rub it on their faces. Just then a group of Jocks walked past them but they stopped since one of them were shocked of seeing Nika dating someone. The jocks name is Zack. He was a real nasty bully and dated Nika before but she broke up with him a week ago before Harold moved here.

    Zack and a few of his friends walked up to them and said, "Nika. We need to talk."

Nika scoffed and said, "We have nothing to talk about. We broke up remember Zack?"

"So thats how it is since you broke up with me and want to date this weak no fur?" Zack asked.

Harold got a little offended but decided to ignore it,

"Zack. Why don't you fuck off and go jerk off somewhere, since you are nothing but a loser and a steroid using, small dick little bitch." Nika said as she grabbed Harold's hand and both of them walked away.

After school....

Harold grabbed his stuff from his locker and was about to leave until Zack slammed his stuff on the ground.

"What's your fucking problem?!" Harold shouted.

"My problem? Well that you think it is alright that you can be with my girl?!" Zack shouted.

"You're girl? Oh please. She is not your property. And besides you both broke up so fuck off." Harold said.

Zack pushed him and Harold fell down.

Just then a female bear stepped in and defended Harold

"Is there a problem here?!" She shouted.

     Zack decided to walk away since the bear was twice his size and gave Harold a nasty look and walks away.

"Are you alright?" the bear asked as she helped Harold back up.

"Yeah I'm okay thanks. I'm Harold by the way."

"Im Dasha. I heard you meant Nika. She's my best friend."

"Nice to meet you Dasha." Harold said.


Harold and Dasha found Nika outside of the school courtyard and they all hanged together for a while. After they walked back to the apartment building, Harold decided to hang out at Nika's apartment since he has nothing else to do and besides, he started to like her more.

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