Chapter 17: Natalya and Isaac

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During the evening, Natalya and Isaac went to the shopping district to do some clothes shopping and Natalya wanted to bond with her new son a bit more. Isaac held her hand while they went into the mall. Natalya smiled and picked him up and put him on her shoulders while they walked in the clothes store.

"This won't be long son. We are just going to buy some clothes for school since your old clothes are starting to become too small for you to wear any longer."

"Can we get some pizza afterwards?" Isaac asked.

"Sure sweetie, we can eat after we shop for some clothes for you." She said.

Natalya started looking around in the clothes rack to see what clothes that are fit for him to wear. Issac started looking around while he was waiting for Natalya to finish. He then saw some nice sports shoes that he wanted to try out. He grabbed a pair and tried them on to see if they fit. He smiled since they fit perfectly. Just then, Natalya came with a bag of clothes that she bought for him and noticed.

"Hey sweetie, looks like those shoes can fit you perfectly. Do you like them?" Natalya asked.

"Yes. May we get them?" Issac asked.

"Sure. I will get them for you." Natalya said.

"Thanks mom." He said as she hugged him

Natalya smiled when he heard him calling him mom and hugged him back tighter. After she bought the shoes for him. They went to the food court and got some pizza and sat down together. Natalya then wondered to tell him the news about him starting school tomorrow.

"So Issac, the news is I found a school for you to enroll in and it fits for you. And I know it will be hard for you but you will make a lot of friends there." She explains.
"Oh. I hope there will be nice friends there." He said.

"Don't worry, there will and I will make sure no one will hurt you ever." Natalya said as she pat his back

Issac smiled and enjoyed his pizza slice. Just then, they headed back home. Natalya started organizing his new clothes in his dresser while Isaac started watching TV. Just then Dasha came home late and dropped her backpack and slumped on the couch.

"Where have you been?" Natalya asked.

"Sorry mom. I have been studying with Harold since our teachers decided to give us homework on the first day of the second semester." Dasha explains.

"Oh ok. Can you do me a favor and give Isaac a bath and put him to bed?" Natalya asked.

"Yeah sure mom." Dasha said as he picked up Isaac and took him to the bathroom.

Dasha turned on the water for him and checked the temperature before putting him in the tub. Isaac was a little nervous and blushed a little as Dasha started enjoying rubbing shampoo on his hair. He started to scrunch up a bit since she started massaging him more.

"What? You like that?" Dasha giggled as she kept teasing him

"mmh, yes." He said nervously.

Dasha then started scrubbing him around him and cleaning him all over which made Isaac stretch and look down which made Dasha keep doing it.

After cleaning him, she wrapped him in a tower and carried him to his room to dress him up into his PJs.

"Ok, let me dry you off a bit and if you want you can sleep with me." Dasha says as she dried him off and dressed him up.

"Um sure." Isaac said.

Dasha smiled and carried him to her room. Isaac started to melt into her when she started hugging him tightly as they headed to bed. They fell asleep together for the night

Natalya slowly opened the door and saw them asleep together which made her smile and close the door.


Zack came back with a few cases of pistols and ammunition and Ken was writing the plans of how to kill Harold at school tomorrow.

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