Christmas special!

Start from the beginning

Emily- ...That's quite a day huh?

Y/N- You're telling me.

Emily- Well, to cheer you up, how about we go to the food court and I'll buy you lunch. 

Y/N- Why, that would be the best thing that's happened to me all day, I own you one.

Emily- It's no problem Y/N, after all, that's what good best friends do to one another.~

Y/N- Yes, well let me go to Justin and see if it's time for my lunch break yet. 

I went to his office and asked if its time for my lunch and luckily he said yes and let off for my break, I clocked out and headed back to Emily and I gave her the nod. She smiled and took my hand and we walked to the food court, once we were there, we went to the chick-fi-a and ordered our food. We waited for some time and got our food, then we found some seats in the farther end and sat down eating our food having a grand time.

Emily- So, will things die out when Christmas is done with?

Y/N- Oh yes, then it's back to being in the back than in the front.

Emily- That's good Y/N, well I have to ask you something.

Y/N- What's up?

Emily- available tonight?

Y/N- What's this about?

Emily- Well, to see if you were available for some quality time together, we never had that in a long time since you got into Macy's. We never have time for one another and I thought this holiday will be the year we can have that again just like in our middle school days. 

I thought about her offer and as much I wanted to go, I have to tell her some big news I'd been meaning to tell her but been too nervous to do it, but now I have to tell her.

Y/N- Actually Emily, I got something to say as well.

Emily- ...What is it Y/N?

Y/N- I want to take your offer but the thing is...

Emily- Yes?

Y/N- You remember when I talked about this college I wanted to go to for a long time right?

Emily- ...Yes.

Y/N- Well, guess what came in the mail a week ago...A letter of acceptance to that college! Isn't that great?!

Emily didn't look too happy about this news, in fact, she looked mad for some odd reason. 

Emily- What?

Y/N- Yeah and by the end of the holidays, I will have to move to another state for the most usage of the included benefits.

Her hands clenched and she looked at me with a cold stare.

Emily- So, that means....we won't be close to one another anymore. We won't see one another in person ever again.

Y/N- That is why I was so nervous to tell you this, I didn't want to hurt you like this.

Emily- just did that to heart Y/N. It's in shatters now, you didn't tell me sooner and the fact you are telling me this news days before Christmas adds to the pain.

Y/N- Emily, I'm so sorry for hurting you, I truly didn't want to-

Emily stood up from her seat and had a tear in her eye.

Emily- How. Could. You? 

She turned around and left without looking back at me and not another word was spoken, I tried calling her back but no luck. I sat there feeling shameful, sad, and gloomy. I lost my appetite after this and I threw away both our trays and went back to my work feeling blue and empty now. Justin was there and when he went for a high-five, i ignored him and went to my register now not in the holiday mood.

Y/N's mind- I wish I could just change things right now.


It was 10 pm at night and I clocked out for the night and wanted to just head home and cry myself to sleep after what happened, I tried to text Emily, call her, and whatnot but no response at all. I hope she's not doing anything dangerous or worse. I drove home but due to heavy traffic even in this hour took me an extra 1o minutes to get back home but I finally did go back home but something was off right away. My door was wide open and it was pitch black. So, I stopped my car and ran to the house only to find it completely destroyed.


All of my electronics were destroyed, my sofas ripped apart, my kitchen with sliced food everywhere and so much more destruction. But that's not the insane part, there were written words on my walls that were written in paint, some of it read.


So many crazy messages on my walls but the truly scary part was a single present on my table lit up by candles. I walked up to it and opened it up only to find torn up pieces of my college acceptance letter and a little note that said:

"Do you like it?~ Now, you never have to leave me at all. In fact..."

You are not gonna leave me ever.~

I turned around and saw Emily with a crazy smile and holding a metal bat...

I turned around and saw Emily with a crazy smile and holding a metal bat

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Y/N- Emily?!?!

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Y/N- Emily?!?!

Emily- Merry Christmas Y/N.~


She swung me with the bat and I fell to the floor.

Emily- Once my best friend, always my best friend. Now and..forever. Sleep well Y/N, once you wake up, we will have the best Christmas ever for this year and many more years to come. Sleep well.~

Those were the last words I heard from her before she whacked me for the final time. 

Y/N's mind- This is my karma for hurting her and I have only myself to blame for this. me.


Emily- *Laughing!*

(The End)

Hope you enjoyed this special holiday Oneshot folks but before I leave, have yourselves a merry Christmas, happy holidays, and every holiday you all celebrate. Thank you and stay safe ya'll. This is adventurefan2020...signing out.

See ya'll! :) :)

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