"What are we looking at?" Axle asked, squinting his eyes on the screen.  "There...you're looking there." Spook pointed on the screen.

Priest and the others leaned in closer.  "That's Enzo with Beast." Capone pointed out.  "Wait...what is that?" Priest mumbled.

"What are they doing?" Viper asked.  "Is that what I think it is?" Axle asked Spook for confirmation.  The tech genius nodded.  "Bio-metrics, finger and palm prints – both hands."

"Fuck!" Axle shouted.  "Just walk in and get out, huh?" He repeated Charlie's words to her.  She stood there stunned. 

"Who's the woman with them?" Irish asked, tapping on the screen.  Spook scoffed, then held his index finger, indicating they would have their answer in 3....2...1

"Is that...?" Ice began, but Axle cut him off.  "Stacy."  Axle buried his face in his hands and collapsed onto the chair.

Spook closed the laptop.  "Enzo used Stacy's hand and fingerprints."  "You're going to need that to access that account."

"Jesus Christ, could this get any more complicated." Ink stated in disbelief. 

"How are you going get her prints?" Charlie asked with a hint of sadness in her voice.  She had a gut feeling what the answer would be, but she was praying it was wrong.

Everyone looked at Axle.  Charlie shook her head.  "No, absolutely not."  Then she looked at him.  "Eric, please tell me you're not contemplating what I think you are."

Axle got up from the chair and walked over to the bar to pour himself a drink. He gulped a glass of bourbon, then another.  He honestly didn't know what to think.  He understood the plan his men had in mind, but the effect it would have on Charlie was making this decision difficult. 

"Damn it!" Axle screamed, throwing the glass into the mirror behind the bar.  He turned around.  "Let's do this."


Members of the LOH are staying at the Atlantis Casino Resort – penthouse floor. Venom showed the others a layout of Cathedral – indicating entrance and exit points. 

"How many skulls inside?" Ghost asked.  "At least twenty, give or take."  "I mean, you got the Reno charter plus Viper's crew and any nomads who came through," Sniper answered. 

It can be hard to discern the number of skull members, especially with nomads. The numbers fluctuate.

"We're currently outnumbered, Venom." Whistle reminded him.  Venom smirked, realizing that.  "The rest of the charter is on their way as we speak."

Unbeknownst to Venom, the backup he was expecting wasn't coming.



The LOH Sacramento charter was ready to link up with Venom in Reno.  Members were saddling up their bikes for the long haul to Nevada.  Their leader called a few hours earlier requesting backup with their takedown of the Skulls.

The members mounted their bikes when a row of black SUVs came to a screeching halt in front of their club house.  A group of black suits stepped out of the cars with semi-automatic rifles in their hands.

Before the bikers could take cover, a hail of bullets flooded the scene, hitting everyone and everything. All that could be heard were screams from the hang-arounds and shouting from the members. 

The mystery men were unwavering and continued their assault on the LOH.  The members didn't even get a chance to reach for their weapons as the onslaught of bullets came down like rain.

Axle: Savage Skulls MC Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now