Chapter 17: Where in the Warehouse?

Start from the beginning

"I was admitted to the Los Angeles boarding school shortly after I had lost her and grew up without any guidance from parents. I had to learn from teachers – had to be parented by guardians and caretakers for my whole schooling life. I thought if I worked hard enough – I could skip a few years of school and become a doctor." Demetria continued. "I thought that if I became a doctor – one day, I could save someone else's life the way that my parents could've been saved. I came to Radiator Springs after I graduated from the doctor's college a year or so ago after hearing the stories my mother used to tell me. They needed a doctor after losing two of them – having hired some from Carburetor County." Demetria elaborated. "Lightning and Sally took me in as a rookie... and I never left."

The tears began to dissipate slightly before Dash began to lean in. The two exchange a long and deep kiss, one that made the years of mental trauma entirely worth experiencing.

"When I first heard your story from Lightning, I knew that there was something special between us. You were literally everything that I was missing in my life. A strong, intelligent, and hilarious individual – that, and you were and still are a hot rod." Demetria chuckled.

"So, your dad was Doc Hudson? Was that true?" Dash asked.

Demetria chuckled, whilst quite teary.

"Absolutely. You've won the little riddle!" they both chuckled once again.

"You know, you're the first person I've told any of this to," Demetria admitted. "I trust you so very much, Dash."

"I'm so very thankful that you do, Demetria. I've never trusted anyone more in my life than I have you." Dash thanked.

"I'm really grateful that we got to have this chat, Dash. I love you." Demetria nudged him more.

Dash felt his engine roar on the inside. He finally found someone who reciprocated the love that he shared his whole life. He nudged her even tighter.

"I love you, too. I'm never letting you go, ever." Dash comforted her.

The sun was minutes away from setting, prompting the two lovers to make moves.

"I love watching this sunset with you – but you should really get back to your parents before it's too late," Demetria advised.

"Excellent idea." Dash commended. "Maybe we can say that we're a thing now, too?"


Present Day

Words reverberated in Dash's mind as he remembered first hearing about Demetria's traumatic past in detail. However, he slowly opened his eyes and came back to reality; to two familiar-looking vehicles.

"Agh! What the heck..." Dash jumped as his vision focused.

He tried to move but was restricted by a parking boot.

"Our sincere apologies, my friend," Sven said.

''What the heck... who are you? Where am I?" Dash jumped.

"Oh, allow us to introduce ourselves! I'm Sven and this is Damian." Sven said.

"Hey, premium racer," Damian said.

"Hey, I know you two! You're the ones who kidnapped me!" Dash remembered.

"Precisely. We take it you're still a bit dozy from the sleeping agent?" Sven asked.

"Eugh." Dash scoffed.

"Now, you must be wondering; 'why am I here'?" Sven said.

"Yeah, why am I here?" Dash asked.

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