Chapter 12: A loss to become greater

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Last we left off Gengar had charged up an Energy Ball ready to fire it at Pidgeot.

Leaf: Now go!!

Gengar: GENGAR!!

It fired the attack seemingly about to hit Pidgeot.

Ryu: Not a chance!! Pidgeot, Protect!!

Pidgeot quickly got up before putting up a shield that completely blocked the attack.

Leaf: Shoot, almost had that!

Gary: That was a close one for him.

Ryu: Alright, time to come back with a counter! If it's a battle in the skies we won't lose! Pidgeot, use Air Slash once more!!

Pidgeot: PIDGE!!

Pidgeot began to send slices of air at Gengar again.

Leaf: The same thing's gonna happen again! Dodge it Gengar!!

Gengar again with great speed began to move around the slashes.

Ryu: The opening is right there!! Use Brave Bird!!

Pidgeot ignited in red fire and then blue before he dashed towards Gengar knocking it into the ground.

Leaf: Gengar!!

Brock: What a powerful Brave Bird!

Leaf: Gengar, recover quickly and use Energy Ball!

Gengar shook it's head before firing multiple Energy Balls at Pidgeot.

Ryu: Steel Wing!!

Pidgeot flew forward before swatting away all Energy Balls.

Ash: Man, I can't tell if either one of them has an edge.

Leaf: Gengar, use Psychic once more!!

Gengar's eyes were about to glow again as Ryu seemed a bit worried.

Ryu: 'If Pidgeot takes that again then it'll be bad. Only one option then.' Pidgeot, protect!!

Pidgeot put the defense up once again as the Psychic bounced right off the attack.

Leaf: Just what we were waiting for!! Gengar, use Thunderbolt!!

Gengar glowed in electricity before hitting Pidgeot with the Super Effective move.

Ryu: Thunderbolt?!!

Ash: I should've known! It's always like Leaf to keep a trick like that until she needs it!

Pidgeot flapped it's wings damaged as it seemed to be paralyzed after the attack.

Ryu: Crap, not good!!

Gary: With that Paralysis things are about to get a whole lot worse for him.

Leaf: Alright Gengar, again use Psychic!!

Gengar's eyes began to glow blue again as it forced Pidgeot to move around everywhere slamming into the ground a few times.


Erika: He wasn't expecting a Thunderbolt and she followed up on it with a move that can't even be detected. This Leaf girl would have been quite the challenge if she came to my gym first.

Pidgeot stopped glowing before flying back into the air.

Ryu: Pidgeot, are you alright?!

Pidgeot nodded his head in confirmation.

Pidgeot: Pidgeot!!

Ryu: 'Leaf's been one step ahead of me this entire battle. I thought Gengar wouldn't do much since it was Ghost type but she just played me.'

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