The two looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"Entrance can only be entered, not exit." Yunlan told them, "If you want to go out, you must kill all the monsters in the copy."

"After the suppression is completed, the teleportation array that leaves the copy will appear." The

brown-haired girl was inexplicably excited. "You know so clearly, is it a demon hunter?"

Yun Lan: "Yes, it's just an auxiliary system." The

brown-haired girl was disappointed. She said angrily, "My name is Su Zhijin, and this is my classmate Lin Ran. Seeing the weather is good, we were going to go shopping, but we didn't expect to get a copy..."

Yunlan: "Yunlan, auxiliary hunter."

Allen: " Allen, Miss Lan's bodyguard."

Yunlan added, "Allen knows a lot of punches and kicks, and has not yet awakened abilities."

Allen's lips lightly opened, and he wanted to say something. But then, his mouth was closed tightly, as if nothing had happened.

The uncle driver introduced himself, "The C-level hunter, the ability is to manipulate the flying knife. My name is Ye, you can call me Uncle Ye."

Lin Ran was full of hope, "Uncle Ye, can you kill all the monsters and save us out? ? "

Ye t shook his head," according to my observation, this is a copy of the C-class, C-class hunters need six more cooperation in order to overcome. "

"In addition to the number of people, there are also special occupations. Attackers, defensive personnel, and auxiliary personnel are indispensable."

"I heard that a guild once organized all attackers to play a copy, without defense and assistance. But such a team, or strength. Very tough, or very well equipped."

Lin Ran is not a demon hunter, and doesn't know much about professional terminology. After listening for a long time, she only understood one thing-relying on people like them, it is basically useless to leave.

"What should I do?" Lin Ran worried, "There is no food or drink in the dungeon, we can't last long."

"Wait!" Uncle Ye is simply and decisive, "The Hunter Guild will send someone to protect it after discovering the gate of another dimension. When someone is contacted, the guild will form a team to enter the dungeon."

"After clearing the customs, we just go out together."

"How long will we have to wait?" Lin Ran asked again.

"It's hard to say." Uncle Ye said cautiously, "Hurry up for two or three hours, and slow down for seventeen or eight hours. It is not impossible to catch up with everyone who is busy, and it is not impossible to wait for a day or two."

Su Zhijin, "... "

I haven't eaten anything all day and night, and when I am saved, I am afraid that I will not have to go directly to the hospital.

But at present, there is nothing we can do except wait.

"Then wait." Su Zhijin muttered, looking for a place to rest.

Allen took off his coat and laid it on the ground first, then helped Yunlan sit down.

Su Zhijin and Lin Ran, "..." The

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