85 Taming the stubborn

Start from the beginning

Jansu looked at the door once again and tightened her grip on her purse. If her sister and her husband do not appear within five minutes, she will hide in the first corner she comes across and calls them.

A man entered the hall arm in arm with a dazzlingly beautiful girl. Jansu slid her gaze over his face and the floor swayed under her feet.

It was him.

Niko Bianco.

Still the same tall and handsome, but ... different. There was no longer even a shadow of the former warmth in his eyes. They radiated arctic cold, - and stared at Jansu. She involuntarily took a step back, and he, without hesitation for a second, headed straight to her. His companion, on her fifteen-centimeter stilettos, barely kept up with him. She was very tall, thin, and sexy. A sort of Tyra Banks, only with white skin and brown hair. Jansu, trying to cope with the painful prick in her heart, heard Jan's admiring muttering behind her, "Oh! What a chick? Legs from the ears and a million-dollar smile."

She wanted to hit him properly. But she wanted even more to strangle the man who was striding so decisively right towards her. What does he want from her? Four years have passed!

Jan noticed him too, and there were amazing notes in his muttering," Jass, isn't this your ex-hubby? Exactly he. Allah-Allah, what an evening?!"

With an almost imperceptible movement, Jansu nudged him in the stomach and hissed, "Shut up!"

"Ay," grabbing the sore spot, Jan involuntarily exclaimed.

But the top model was already at a distance of a meter, and the guy straightened up, putting an admiring smile on his face.

"Hello, Jansu," said Niko, stopping in front of his ex-wife.

His companion shuddered at the sound of the name and stared in shock, first at the girl in the scarlet dress, and then at Nico. But he didn't notice her gaze. Without taking his eyes off, he looked at Jansu and waited for an answer.

"Niko," she said. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Why not?" He asked ironically. "We work in the same sector, and Bianco Salvatore has returned to the jewelry market again."

"Congratulations," answered Jansu with restraint. "Your mother is probably happy."

"All Bianco are happy," he said in a tone that sent shivers down Junsu's spine.

"Honey, I'm not acquainted with your companion," the model interjected, a transparent reminder of politeness."

"Sorry," Niko spoke to her, - but did not take his eyes off Jansu. "Monica, meet Jansu Baisal and her cousin Jan. Jansu, Jan, my lo ... friend Monica Galvano."

Jansu nodded modestly, and Jan clicked his heels, kissed the Italian woman's hand, and showered her with compliments. He was spilling compliments out like a nightingale, Monica was listening with a bored look, Nico was staring at Jansu point-blank, and she was praying that he would get away so she could breathe again.

Omer and Defne Iplikci again became her saviors. They entered the hall as swiftly as Defne's rounded figure would allow. Jansu, from relief, closed her eyes for a moment and hurried to say goodbye to her ex-husband and his date.

"Monica, it was nice to meet you; Niko, glad you're doing well. Have a nice evening."

She stretched her lips in a smile and tugged on Jan's sleeve, who was still staring at Monica's pearly gray silk-covered silicone breasts. He sighed disappointedly and, wishing the couple a good time, followed his cousin.

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