"No, I'm good, I can do it." Ellie shot.

"Okay." Theo said with a smile.

Ellie just gently poked Anthony, who just moved his head to the other side.

Theo laughed and Ellie gave him a glare.

"This is how it's done." Theo spoke, then grabbed a book and slammed it on the desk.

Ellie watched Anthony shoot up and she glared at Theo one last time before turning to Anthony.

"Anthony, let's get going, we have to get to Transfiguration." Ellie shot.

Anthony just yawned.

"Okay. I'm really tired today." Anthony exclaimed.

"Really? I haven't noticed." Ellie shot, then the two started to head to Transfiguration.

As they got there there was a group of students in front of the door.

"Ugh! Will people just move." Anthony groaned, and then looked at Ellie. "Let's go to the front."

"You're a pain." Ellie spoke and Anthony just shrugged.

Then the two walked towards the door and saw Ron, Harry, and Hermione.

Ellie looked through the door and saw Mace. McGonagall was talking to him.

"What's up with Milburn?" Anthony asked.

"Don't know. He's been here for a few minutes." Hermione informed, then looked at the two. "Since when did you two talk to him?"

"We rarely do. We just see him because Ellie's brother tutors him." Anthony exclaimed and Ellie nodded.

"Your brother tutors people! Can he tutor me?" Ron asked.

"Ronald!" Hermione shrieked.

"Calm down Hermione." Harry spoke, then looked at the door. "I wonder what they're talking about."

"You can't hear them?" Ellie queried.

"McGonnagall put a silencing charm." Hermione told her and Ellie nodded.

"Why would she do that?" Anthony queried.

"To stop people from eavesdropping, idiot." Ellie shot. Anthony just pointed at Harry and Ron that had their faces glued to the door.

"I don't think they realize no matter how hard they try that it won't work." Hermione explained.

Then Harry just sighed and got off of the door. He looked at Anthony for a moment.

"Do you do quidditch?" Harry asked.

"No." Anthony shot.

"Then where do I know him?" Harry asked Hermione.

"He's a Prefect Harry." Hermione explained, then looked at Anthony. "Sorry about him."

screw you - fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now