46 - Feeling

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*slightly spicy encounters just a warning but nothing like overly sexual*

*also on of my emo Todoroki edits I made bc boredom, enjoy lmao* ^^^^^^

Todoroki's POV:

Bakugo came back into the room, followed by Aizawa a few seconds later. Bakugo sat down next to me again and I gestured for him to hold my hand, but he was zoned out. Aizawa sighed.

"I should go check on your classmates and make sure they're not too worried. But Todoroki, I was wondering what you want me to tell them. About what happened, I mean."

"Nothing. Just tell them I'm fine and they shouldn't worry."

"But they ARE worried Todoroki. They all saw you being carried out of the dorms, and I'm sure a good number of them saw the blood."

"Well it's none of their business."

He sighed.

"In a way, you're right. But you have to understand that these people care about you, and I know you're not used to it, but they're your friends. At some point, you need to talk to them."

I remained silent.

"I won't say anything because it's not my place, but if I were you I would consider talking to them about the situation. They really do just want to help you." He started to walk out, but stopped. "And think about what I said earlier."

He gestured to Bakugo, who was still zoned out.

I nodded and he left.

I looked at Bakugo's face, analyzing his expression. He seemed anxious or sad, but I couldn't tell. I grabbed his hand to get his attention and he flinched, looking around. Once he noticed that Aizawa had left, he squeezed my hand back.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

His eyes teared up a bit.

"Please don't do this to yourself again...." He muttered, his voice breaking a lot. I could hear the pain behind his words. I looked down.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry damnit just.... Please..... Don't....."

A few seconds passed and I looked over at him. He still looked sad and zoned out, only now he was crying silently. His breath hitched occasionally, but he made close to no noise. If I wasn't looking at him, I probably wouldn't be able to tell. But I could tell now. I listened to his uneven breaths, almost hyperventilating. He was trying to suppress it.

I leaned over on him and wrapped my arms around him. He seemed surprised at first, but he didn't push me away or try to move. I could hear his heartbeat and feel his breaths as his chest rose and fell.

I didn't know how to calm him down exactly. This was really all I had. I know he won't fully open up to me, but I can at least be here for him while he's sorting everything out in his head.

A few minutes passed before I decided I should speak.

"You know.... It's okay to cry..." I said gently, breaking the silence. "I think even heroes cry when they need to. It's not weakness. And if it's respect and ego you're worried about, I personally think that being able to show emotions and flaws and shed tears in front of people makes you stronger than anyone. It means you're comfortable enough with who you are that you allow yourself to admit that you're not perfect. No one is. And I think the sooner you accept that, the stronger you'll become. That way you'll confront your emotions and even weakness, and you can conquer them."

He stayed silent, biting his lip and continuing to suppress his tears.

"You always say you'll never run away from a fight. Don't run away from this one."

Numb ---- Suicidal Todoroki x Bakugo----[BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now