Other Than Business

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As we wait for our meals to be served to us, he tells me about the North Pole and even about a pastry chef named Pumchu. Which somehow brought up the good news that completely slipped my mind. "Baby, so you know how I've been constantly studying and working hard in (graduate) medical school?" I wait for him to reply as he plays with a strand of my hair. "Yeah baby, of course. " "Well, this year I am graduating early with my doctorates degree in Neuroscience and I'll be certified to become a neurosurgeon. " Nik's expression was priceless. He practically-well he did actually - picked me out of my chair and spun me around all while shouting how great news this was. He put me down back in my chair, a worried expression on his face. "But after you graduate will you still-" I put my finger to his lips. "I already figured that while up north with you, I can still handle business from afar and maybe even take a few business trips. " I smile. "So there's nothing to worry about. " Nik smiles and squeezes me into a hug, and he whispers into my ear, "I love you. " "I love you, too. " I whisper wrapping my arms around his neck. Just then Oliver and a few other servants walk in carrying sterling silver serving platters.

"Please enjoy your meal , Young Master and Miss Stella. " one them said after tucking linen onto the front of our shirts. "Thank you..." I smile but pause realizing that I do not know the young gentleman's name. "My name is Cutlet, ma'am. " I smile warmly, "Well thank you, Cutlet. " He tips his hat, says a small "you're welcome " and leaves with Oliver and the rest of the servants. Nik chuckles now that we are in the room alone. "What is so funny? " I ask placing my fork aside. "Stella, why are you so nice?" I look at him to see if he'd crack, but he seemed serious so I answer him anyway. "I am a kind person is all, besides what good can be done in treating individuals in such an atrocious manner? That type of behavior towards others is below me and only suits ignorant and unintelligent people. " Nik forks down his small omlet and with food still in his mouth he replies, "I agree, I just wanted to know why you're such a beautiful angel. " He smiles gulping down his food. My face burns from the compliment. "Aw baby, do you always know the right things to say? " I giggle. Nik nods and steals some of my food off my plate.

After breakfast, he tells me to pack my suitcase. "Why? " I ask sitting next to him on the large sofa in his living room. He puts a finger to his lips and says, "It's a surprise. " He lays his head in the crook of my neck and pulls me into his lap. I kiss his head and gets up, but he hangs onto my waist. "Babe, " Nik whines playfully. "I was just getting comfortable. " I brush a few strands of his locks off of his forehead. "I thought I have to pack? " I smile faintly, sitting up. "You can but later. Right now I wanna cuddle. " I giggle at his cute child like behavior and sit back in his lap. "Besides, like I said before.. " Nik whispers in my ear. "Today I have you all to myself. " My cheeks burned and I tried to hide my growing smile.

Oliver walks in and clears his throat a little. "Please excuse me Young Master, but I'm afraid your brother, Vargus, is on the phone. " I get off his lap and he let's out a frustrated groan. Oliver brings him the phone and Nik leaves the room. A few minutes later he returns. "Sorry. He asked about my postponed photoshoot and to tell me that next Tuesday he'd like you to get fitted for your brides maid dress along with Rosalie for her final fitting. " "Okay sure. " We slid back into our comfortable position. "You know that I'm gonna marry you, right? " Nik grins rubbing my thigh. "Of course. " I grin resting my arm on his shoulders . Before we know it, we're both dozing off.


"Baby, tell me already please. The anticipation is killing me. " I plead sliding into the limo. He slids in next to me as Walsh carries our luggage and puts it in the trunk. "Sorry babe, no can do. " He says simply intwining our fingers. I finally decide to give up and just enjoy the ride. Most of the car ride, I just stared out the window. Nikolass stared at his phone screen with concentration and up front Walsh hummed along to the soft, tune of an alternative music radio station , and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat.

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