Loving Words - Hailee Steinfeld (Tumblr Request)

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"Okay let's do word association."

"Okay, let's do this." Hailee clapped her hands enthusiastically and grinned widely at the host.

"I'll say the name of one of your co-stars and you have to tell me the first 3 words that comes into your mind."

Hailee nodded and started the game. They were few names of people she worked with in when she heard her girlfriend's name, an instant smile forming on her lips, "Y/N Y/L/N."

"Hard-worker. Goofus. Incredibly talented. Yes incredibly talented as in one word." Hailee joked with a small chuckle, causing everyone in the room to laugh alongside her.

"Your new movie with her just got out. It's amazing."

"I have to be honest, it's one of the best project I've ever worked on. The cast and the crew were spectacular. I had a lot of fun and I learned from everyone each single day."

"How was working with Y/N? She's one of the most talked actress in the industry, what's her deal?"

"She is the most caring person I've ever seen. I remember one day, a fan got in trouble with security. We were shooting in a really reserved area, so no one was allowed except for cast and crew. But between two takes she went to say hi to that teenage girl and walked her out of the set. It was the most heartwarming thing I've ever seen."

"We saw all the posts and stories you shared on Instagram."

"It was the best way to interact with our fans. I don't usually post a lot of things on Instagram, but it was hard not to when you have a co-star that is so easy prank on."

"You got along pretty well."

"Yes, like a said she is a really nice and caring person. I was terrified my first day on set but she eased my nerves instantly, walking us around the set to take a tour before our first table read. And since then we were attached to the hip. We started rehearsing in our trailers, we stayed behind the cameras when the other had a scene to shoot, we cheered each other up when we were missing our families and we were always goofing around."

"It's really good it hear it."

"Yeah, I'm so glad we found each other." 


"Ellen I swear to god that if you scare me, I'm never coming back." Y/N walked out of the backstage, waving at the audience, stating in lieu of a greeting to the host in a worried tone as she sat down on the chair, looking around suspiciously to detect any potential threat, causing Ellen and the crowd to erupt in a loud laugh.

"Don't worry. Last time you were here was enough to entertain the world forever." Ellen laughed when a clip of Y/N jumping up and screaming in fright when Ellen scared her last year appeared on the screen behind them.

"I hate that clip." Y/N regarded Ellen with an unamused face and with a murderous glare before side-eyeing the video with the same expression.

"So, let's talk about the movie!" Ellen spoke up when the crowd calmed down and everyone sat down, "it was a success!"

Y/N answered to a lot of questions Ellen asked her, talking about the movie mostly, enjoying her time with the hilarious host and the welcoming audience. "Hailee was a rock during that time. When we were nearing the wrapping time of the movie, I was really stressed, I had problems sleeping and I was overall exhausted and she stayed by my side all along. Well we pretty much supported each other up, always ready to crack a joke at the worst times." She laughed softly and shook her head at the wonderful memories she had of and with her girlfriend, "I'm really thankful fo-"

While Y/N was pretty much gushing about how much she loves Hailee, the brunette was tiptoeing silently behind her, lifting her pointer finger up to shush the audience then settling behind her girlfriend and screaming loudly as she touched her shoulders, "Y/N!"

"HOLY SHIT!" Y/N jumped in fright and screamed loudly, turning around and finding her girlfriend laughing her ass off, crouched down on her knees with her head hung down. "You're a fucking asshole!" Y/N reprimanded her girlfriend and slapped her shoulder hard before pushing her away when Hailee got up to hug her tightly, Ellen still laughing alongside the audience with tears running down her cheeks.

"Ohw c'mon, it was amazingly hilarious!"

"For you! I almost peed my pants!" Y/N pouted and crossed her arms, Hailee sliding her arms around her and hugging her tightly, still giggling softly. "I can't believe I was talking highly of you to Ellen! I take that back, she is a dick." She looked at the still laughing host before looking at the crown with her eyebrows furrowed together and her pout still present on her lips.

"Ohw, no." Hailee awed while laughing and tightened her grip on her girlfriend, leaning her head back to stare at Y/N softly, "I'm sorry-" Hailee bit on her bottom lip hard to stop her from laughing while fighting against a smile to form on her face to look into her girlfriend's Y/E/C eyes with a serious expression, but Y/N arching her right eyebrow up in challenge and an unamused expression on cracked Hailee's façade and her face contorted into a bright smile while a loud chuckle left her lips. "Okay, I'm not 100% sorry. Can you forgive me tho?" Hailee pouted cutely and put on her best puppy dog eyes, smiling in victory when Y/N's left corner of her lips lifted up slowly.

"Only because you're cute!" Y/N pointed her finger at her in warning before hugging her back when her girlfriend resumed their strong embrace. During their hilarious banter a crew member replaced her chair with a small couch and when the two actresses pulled away from the hug, Ellen signaled them to take a seat to continue the interview.

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