Chapter Twenty Four: Lies

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         The next day, I went to the library with the torn page in my pocket. Inside, I went up to Madam Pince. I don't think she liked me since I was always running in and out.

          "Excuse me, Madam," I said sheepishly.

          She lowered her head enough to glare at me above the rim of her glasses, "Yes, Miss Pendragon?"

          "Do you, uh, happen to have any new books?" I asked.

          Her eyes squinted and some suspicion arose, "As a matter of fact, I do. I see Miss Granger has been an influence on you."

          I gulped and drummed my fingers impatiently on her desk, "May I please borrow it?"

          She smacked the top of my hand with a ruler, "Stop that noise! You may read the book over there but it does not leave the library."

          I yelped and withdrew my hand, "Y-Yes, Madam."

          She reluctantly handed me the book and watched me take a seat beside her desk. Thankfully, her desk was much higher than the table I was sitting at and brought one hand near my pocket. I quickly used my powers to pull out a row of books nearby out of their shelf. It caused a lot of noise and Madam immediately left to investigate. I brought out the torn page and stuffed it into the first few pages without it looking obvious. Even though Draco was hiding this, I can't be caught with it either. Once I tell Hermione about the new book, she has to find this page. I care about her and I know she's also a muggle-born.

          I ran out and ran into Harry, Hermione, and Ron in the courtyard. Harry used the diary last night. Before I could react, he revealed that Tom showed him who was responsible for the death of the muggle-born girl. It was Hagrid.

           "That can't be!" I pleaded.

          Harry was miserable and it triggered me, "I saw it! Hagrid had this, this, this spider! Tom caught him and the spider got away. Hagrid was keeping it in the castle! We have to talk to him about it!"

         "Did yer call meh?" Hagrid appeared behind us, startling me since Harry's emotions gave me tunnel vision.

          "No!" we all said together.

          "Well, best be on mah way. Got some poison for the mandrakes and it won't be long till we can unpetrify those boys," he said gruffly and walked past us.

         Running towards us was Neville and he was extremely worried, "Hurry! You need to come! We don't know who did it!"

          We merely looked at each other and ran after him. I stopped outside of their common room entrance and Hermione kept me company. Before I forgot, I tried to naturally come up with the conversation. I think I can lie to her.

         "Hermione, if you have time tomorrow, there's a new book in the library," I said nervously.

          Her eyes lit up, "Really? I'll go look at it tomorrow! Oh! Good luck at your first game. I overheard the twins saying it will be your first match."

          I blushed, "They said that? I-"

          "The diary is gone!" Harry exclaimed when he and Ron came out of the portrait.

          "What? How?" I asked, concerned.

          "I don't know. Ginny saw it and she looked horrified. I didn't think having a diary was so odd," he groaned.

           My heart dropped, "Ginny?"

          They bickered amongst themselves but I couldn't find Ginny anywhere when I went around the castle. Why, Ginny? Despite my best efforts, I couldn't find her and that worried me even more. I had the hardest time falling asleep that night and woke up exhausted for my first match.

Sophie Pendragon, Year Two | Half-Vampire At HogwartsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon