Chapter Sixteen: Mudblood

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          It was finally the weekend and I had finished all of my homework. I decided to see Hagrid because I wanted to know more about the horse-like creatures that pulled the carriages. There was a small courtyard on the way there and it was also the same courtyard to access the Quidditch pitch. As fate would have it, I walked into a tall older boy. I looked around at the group and saw Draco. He was with the Slytherin Quidditch team and they were in uniform.

          "Sorry," I said shyly.

          "Miss Pendragon, it's alright. If you'll excuse us," the boy said.

         "Where do you think you're going, Flint?" Oliver's voice echoed in the hallway beside us.

          "Quidditch practice," the boy, Flint, responded.

          "I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today," Oliver said with his team behind him.

         Ron and Hermione were also passing by and joined in. I looked over at the twins and they winked at me. I blushed and stuck my tongue out at them. Flint pulled out a rolled up parchment from his pocket.

         "Easy, Wood. I've got a note," he said and gave it to Oliver.

          "I smell trouble," Ron whispered to me.

          "I can only smell brooms," I whispered back.

          "I, Professor Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today on the need to train their new seeker," Oliver read the parchment and looked up, "You've got a new seeker. Who?"

          Draco smirked at me and stepped forward proudly.

          "Malfoy?" Harry nearly laughed.

         Draco wasn't phased and flaunted his broom, "That's right, and that's not all that's new this year."

         My chest throbbed when the entire Gryffindor Quidditch team realized that the entire Slytherin team all had Nimbus 2001s. I grabbed the chest of my robes and ran off. Not far behind me were Harry, Ron, and Hermione. There was a commotion behind them but I had to get out of there. I didn't stop running until I reached Hagrid's hut and banged on his door.

         "Oh, well hello, Sophie," Hagrid smiled and noticed the trio behind me.

         "Can we come in?" I asked, out of breath.

          I curled up on the window seat with my tablets and Ron was being supported between Harry and Hermione. Ron was vomiting slugs. Hagrid got a bucket for the slugs and all we could do was wait for it to stop. Hermione was crushed emotionally and it bothered me on a selfish level.

          "Who was Ron trying to curse?" Hagrid asked.

          "Malfoy," Harry said, "He called Hermione, uh, actually I don't know what it means."

          I watched Hermione from my seat and my eyes followed her every movement. She crossed her arms and her voice was a broken whisper.

           "He called me a mudblood," she said.

          Hagrid was shocked and rightfully upset, "He did not."

          "What's a mudblood?" Harry asked as Ron threw up another slug.

          "It's the equivalent to Formers in our world. Humans who are turned into vampires are called Formers. They rely on regular feeding from the one who turned them or else they'll turn into Level E's. Ex-humans. Mudblood is a foul term for people with magical abilities and no magical blood. Purebloods are like the Malfoys and Weasleys. Half-bloods are like Seamus, one parent having magic and the other being a muggle or having no magical blood. Mudbloods are muggle born with muggle parents. People without magical blood and having magic. People-" I explained coldly until I was interrupted.

         "People like me!" Hermione said angrily.

          "That's awful!" Harry exclaimed.

          "It's disgusting," Ron whimpered.

          Hagrid kindly comforted Hermione to tears and assured her that she's the brightest witch of her age. Some guilt rested in me because I never cared when Draco used the word mudblood. Even now, I wasn't surprised but I was upset that he called Hermione that. For the rest of September nothing significant happened and Draco was busy on the weekends with Quidditch practice. Cedric held morning practices and I was able to get the position of seeker. He and I would alternate but he intended on having me play in our first game. My detention was to clean up the greenhouses but it was only throughout the rest of the month. On the last Sunday of the month, I was looking forward to using the journal I had somehow gotten over summer and went to the library when I was free. 

Sophie Pendragon, Year Two | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now