Chapter Thirteen: Platform 9 ¾

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          September 1, 1992: We arrived at Kings Cross Station much later than we anticipated because George and Fred forgot their brooms and Ginny forgot her diary. It was almost time for the train to depart and whoever was ready went ahead of the family. Percy left first with George and Fred right behind him. I was right on their tail with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley guiding Ginny behind me. Ron and Harry were at the end. I went through the brick illusion and quickly went to the employees who were loading everyone's trunks.

          Draco was waiting for me by one of the cabin doors. Once I unloaded my trolley, I went to him with Calcifer in my arms. He didn't say anything but I was surprised to see that he had an almost empty cabin. Usually, Crabbe and Goyle are with him. The only one inside was his owl. I sat my cat next to her and sat across from them. Draco closed the cabin door and closed the curtains.

          "Draco? What's going on?" I asked.

          He sat next to me and held my hand, "Sophie, will you be my girl?"

          I blushed and immediately smiled, "I would love to."

          "B-Brilliant," he blushed and kissed my hand, "What, um, what news did you want to tell me?"

          The train lurched forward and we began our journey back to Hogwarts. I had to remove my hand from his to cover my ears because of the train's whistle but we resumed holding hands afterwards. I was grateful that he closed the curtains because it helped me focus on Draco and not the conversations in the cabins surrounding us. I looked at our hands and thought about what I should tell him.

          "Um, Draco? There has been something bothering me. About Jenkins and your father," I said softly.

          His interest piqued but he was also caught off guard, "What is it?"

          "When I got my fangs, it was the same day we met. Jenkins brought me to your manor and regarded your father as an old friend. However, I don't think it was for me to, um, bite you. Jenkins was collecting a favor that your father owned him. Do you have any idea what that could have been?" I said, slightly ashamed.

          Draco was quiet for a few minutes, "I don't know. My father doesn't know about that. His memory was wiped. For some reason, I only have a few memories. My unhappiness became your affinity. The last thing I remember was you biting me."

          I rolled my lips inward and looked away, "I-I'm sorry about that, Draco."

          He squeezed my hand, "It's ok, Sophie. You can bite me if you really need to."

          I shook my head and remembered something else, "I, um, I bought a broom. My dad said I can try out for Quidditch."

          "Really? That's a coincidence. I'm already on the team!" he exclaimed.

          "Eh?" I asked.

          "Right. My father bought myself and the Slytherin Quidditch team Nimbus 2001s. I'm the new seeker," he said proudly.

          I chuckled, "That is a coincidence. I bought myself the Nimbus 2001 and I am trying out for the seeker position, too."

          We both started laughing and I adored his smile. It was different when we were alone. He usually has a more sinister smile when he's amused by others' misfortune. Especially when he's the root of their problems.

          Our conversation became more serious when I brought up next summer. I would be with Howl because it was my coming of age seance in the vampire world. With the downfall of Jenkins, the vampires who followed him scattered. Howl was doing remarkable work disposing of them, hence the new title as ambassador from this summer's ministry ball. However, when I hunted, there could still be active vampires who remain loyal to Jenkins.

          "Vampire seance? Your world isn't so different from ours. There's purebloods, half bloods, and mudbloods," he said distastefully.

          "The seance is usually made up of Pureblood vampires and Aristocrats. Only Pureblood vampires have the ability to use magic. Therefore, we are also pureblood in the wizarding world. Aristocrats may have the potential for superhuman abilities. All vampires have super strength, super speed, and recovery. This seance is for my coming of age. I'm not looking forward to it," I retorted.

          "Why's that?" he asked.

          "Don't purebloods have arranged marriages? My seance is to be introduced to suitors. The vampires who attend devote their servitude to either myself or my father. They'll feed on us to become our servants. However, my dad will probably be the desired one. I'm still a half vampire. The first in the history of vampires, probably the first in written history. It is going to be an extremely vital and formal occasion," I explained.

          He scowled, "Suitors? Sure, we have arranged marriages but they're almost always decided for us. My father made sure to keep me isolated from such events. Can't you refuse?"

          I smirked and pecked his cheek, "Jealous?"

          "I-I am not!" he blushed.

          "You're blushing!" I began to giggle.

          He groaned in frustration and pulled my hand so that I would be leaning against him, "Shut up, stupid vampire."

          I blushed and made myself comfortable against him, "You're pathetic."

          He was shy and embarrassed but still held my hand, "Oh, shut it."

         We enjoyed this moment for the rest of the train ride until we arrived at Hogsmeade station. Unfortunately, we had to separate based on our houses and I found Susan, Hannah, Justin, and Ernie. We got onto a carriage that was being pulled by a peculiar creature. It resembled a pegasus but with none of the fairytale charm. The body of it was all black and covered their bones so tightly that you could see each one. The face was like a horse and also like a reptile. I was most surprised at their wings being similar to a bat's. Unlike its body, its eyes were pure white and pupil-less. The hooves clopped rhythmically as it pulled us to the castle but I was occasionally distracted by it's bony tail resembling a snake skeleton. I didn't mention the creature because I seemed to be the only one who could see it. 

Sophie Pendragon, Year Two | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now