Chapter Ten: Family

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          By the time we returned to the Burrow, the sun was rising and George parked the car exactly where we stole it from. He opened the car trunk and I used my powers to put Harry's things through my open window. It was getting easier to control my powers when I focused completely on what I'm doing. However, I can't put things in places outside of my vision so I had to float on the roof that extended from the living room to place everything in my room.

          Once the last of Harry's things were sneakily put into my room, I heard Hedwig flying around the Burrow. She's so beautiful. I rejoined my friends at the kitchen door and we quietly went inside. Breakfast was already made but it was all done magically. The dishes were washing themselves in the sink. I went into the living room with Harry and he saw their magical family clock. It didn't tell the time, but where each of the family members were. It was Harry's first time at the Burrow and I could tell just by the look in his eyes how much he loved it. I helped myself to my tablets after the night we had and it was getting easier doing it in front of my friends. Fred and George already helped themselves to some biscuits and Ron was about to get one when footsteps startled us.

          "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Mrs. Weasley shouted.

          I hid Harry behind me as she continued. I held Harry's hand behind my back nervously. I've never made my dad angry before. Is this what having a mother is like? It was terrifying.

          She grew louder and angrier as she confronted us, "Harry, how wonderful to see you, dear! Sophie, your father will hear about this! Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could have died! You could have been seen! Of course, I don't blame you, Harry, dear."

          "They were starving him, mum," Ron whimpered.

          "There were bars on his windows," I said softly and Harry squeezed my hand.

          "You best hope your father doesn't put bars on your windows, Miss Pendragon!" Mrs. Weasley said with worry and disappointment.

          I looked at my feet and knew my dad would be incredibly upset about this.

          "Well, no matter," Mrs. Weasley said and calmed down quickly, "Time for breakfast."

         I sat between Fred and George at the table and across from Harry. Ron sat next to him and we were making our plates. Ginny and Percy joined us but Ginny developed a crush on Harry. She ran back upstairs once she made eye contact with Harry after he said hello.

          "Wh-What did I do?" Harry asked anxiously.

          "Ginny," Ron said with a mouthful of food.

          "She's been talking about you all summer," I snorted.

          George casually put his arm over the back of my seat, "You know about girls, right? They all have their crushes. Aren't you seeing Draco Malfoy?"

          I coughed on my biscuit, "I beg your pardon? Where did this come from?"

          "Malfoy?" Harry and Ron asked.

          "Tch!" I stuck my tongue out at George, "That's none of your business!"

          George was going to respond but I jumped when I heard Mr. Weasley outside.

          "Morning, family!" he said cheerfully and sat at the head of the table.

          "Morning, dad!" the twins and Percy responded.

          Mr. Weasley was talking about work and Ron was explaining it to Harry. It took a while for Mr. Weasley to realize Harry was with us and they introduced themselves. However, Harry was struggling to explain the true function of a rubber duck after the incident that brought Mr. Weasley and my dad together. With some good timing, I perked up when I heard an old owl's screech.

          "Errol is coming!" I yelled quickly.

          "Errol?" Harry asked.

          The ancient owl came into view with envelopes in his beak. The poor blind bird flew into the glass pane instead of the open window next to it. Percy went up to get the envelopes when the bird recovered and flew off. He handed a portion to Mrs. Weasley, then one envelope to Harry, and lastly, one to me. It was our supplies list for our next year at Hogwarts.

          "Nothing gets past that man, Headmaster Dumbledore. He knew you were with us," Mrs. Weasley said.

          I opened my letter and knew it was identical to Ron's and Harry's. The twins looked over their letters after getting it from their mum and they felt ashamed. Materials aren't cheap but Mrs. Weasley insisted they can manage it. Currently, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny were going to be attending Hogwarts at once. It would offend them if Harry or I tried to pay for anything. It was a sensitive topic for Ron, too. Harry and I glanced at each other but our attention was drawn to our new plans. There was only one place that we could all get what we needed; Diagon Alley. 

Sophie Pendragon, Year Two | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now