Chapter Twenty Two: Thief

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          For the next few weeks, I was thinking of a way to get the diary from her. I talked to the twins while we set up a prank for Filch. All I told them is that Ginny was using a journal that I felt was possessed. Fred and George both agreed to help me immediately. I felt horrible having to lie to them but I didn't have any choice. How did Ginny end up with the diary? Draco wouldn't have given it to her because he can hardly stand them. Did he try to hide it and maybe she found it? How did Draco even know about the diary? My head was spinning with thoughts but I refused to consider Draco playing a malicious part in these events.

          Once breakfast was just starting, the twins and I left the Great Hall. I quickly turned into a bat and George put me in his pocket. They brought me into the Gryffindor common room and no one was there. I shifted back and ran into the girls' dorm. Ginny's scent was familiar to me after living with them and I made sure to carefully go through her things. Unfortunately, my hunch was correct and I found the diary with her other textbooks. I shoved it angrily in my pocket and ran back to the twins. I won't let Tom use Ginny.

          "Did you get it?" they asked.

          I nodded and felt the journal already wanting to take over my desires. It made me want to keep it. George noticed my discomfort and put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and felt my heart ache for lying to him.

          "Will you be alright getting rid of it?" he asked concerningly.

          I nodded and we left the common room. I refused to use the diary but I couldn't let anyone else get a hold of it. It was so uncomfortable holding on to it and I think the book knew I had it. For the rest of the month, Hermione was recovering but she was scheduled to be released in February.

          "You alright, Soph?" Ron asked on our way to one of our classes.

          I nodded and ate a tablet, "Ginny's been unhappy. What's wrong?"

          "Someone stole her diary. It had to have been another Gryffindor because they had to know how to get into the common room," he said.

           "Didn't you have a diary, too? You wouldn't pay attention to anyone else," Harry said.

          I gulped, "Oh, yeah. I just got busy with school."

          Neither of them were suspicious and I hated having to lie. Having this secret was eating at me. I couldn't tell my dad either. Maybe I can get rid of it in a place that no one else goes. At the end of the month, I went to the abandoned girls' loo and threw the diary in the toilet. Without it in my possession, I grew afraid that someone would find me here and I left.

          As I feared, I ran into someone on the way out. It was Draco. He was startled to see me and he held my waist. I was panting and felt anxious.

          "S-Sophie? Are you alright? Do you need to feed?" he asked.

          I shook my head, "I-I'm afraid. When Colin and Justin were petrified, I felt the presence of something massive. It was in the castle. All I felt was how bloodthirsty it was."

          His face turned pale and he grabbed my hand. We ran to the library and he had me sit in a nook while he went to get a book. When he returned, he pulled out a torn pain from the middle of the book. This page wasn't from the book he held.

          "I-I don't want you to be afraid. Please don't tell anyone about this, ok?" he said softly.

          I looked at the torn page briefly without actually reading it and hugged him, "I won't tell anyone. Thank you, Draco."

          He let me keep the paper but I completely forgot about it. We had a Quidditch match that I was practicing for. Since it was my first match, Cedric didn't want me to play. I wanted to.

          "I'm sorry, Sophie. I promise you can play the next match, alright?" he said after practice on the weekend.

          I nodded and punched his upper arm playfully, "I understand. As long as I can play."

          He and I got along well. Unfortunately, we lost against Ravenclaw but the very next match would be us against Gryffindor. I trained as hard as I could against Cedric because I knew Harry was a brilliant player with more experience than me. My concern was going to be the crowd but bigger concerns came with the month of February. 

Sophie Pendragon, Year Two | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now