Chapter One: Eleven

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          I must have fallen asleep on the train once the castle was out of view because Harry was shaking me just before covering my ears when the train blew its whistle. I blushed as his warm hands covered my ears, muffling the whistle. He smiled shyly at me and Calcifer sat up to stretch on my thighs.

          "The train will be arriving at King's Cross Station soon," Hermione explained as Harry removed his hands from my ears, "so why don't we change out of our robes and uniforms?"

          I nodded and the two boys left our cabin to give us privacy, "That's a good idea. I'm sorry. I didn't even realize I fell asleep."

          She giggled as we changed into our normal clothes, "Well, you didn't miss much conversation. I do want to write to you over summer, if you don't mind."

          I pulled down my dress and accepted her contact information, "I would love to!"

          She smiled at me and we went to the hallway to let the boys change in the cabin next. Hermione ran off down the hall to the trolley lady and I leaned against the wall facing our cabin door. I could hear so many conversations overlapping from the neighboring cabins and two scents began to inch closer to me. Hermione called to me down the hall and I was about to run to her when two hands covered my eyes.

          "Now, where do you-" George said.

          "Think you're going?" Fred finished.

          I blushed and pulled down their hands from my eyes before turning to face them, "George! Fred! I was just going to check on Hermione."

          "She can wait," George said dismissively and tugged on a strand of my black hair, "but we can't."

          "I'm staying with you over summer, you know," I said bashfully and tugged my hair from his hand.

          "Are you?" Fred asked, surprised, "How come?"

          "Er," I shuffled uncomfortably, "I-I'll explain later, ok?"

          Fred was a little put off and glanced at my lips, "Is it because of what happened with Ron?"

          I gulped remembering that they only heard rumors of me biting their brother, "N-Nothing happened with Ron."

          Fred wanted to push further but Ron slid open our cabin door, "Oi! Leave her alone!"

          George glanced at Ron's hand, "Yes, yes. As we've heard, she's coming home with us, isn't she?"

          Harry was obviously jealous, "Think I can come over one day?"

         Fred smirked, "For us or for Sophie?"

          Harry and I blushed but Hermione finally grew impatient and ran to us, "Sophie! I was calling you! I know you can hear me."

          I gladly let her pull me away and she led me to the trolley lady, "S-Sorry!"

          "Listen!" Hermione nagged, "Madam was telling me about a lovely story between a werewolf and a vampire!"

          I half-heartedly listened to the story of two lovers, a werewolf and a vampire. Although Hermione was enamored with such a romantic story, my own stomach filled with butterflies when Draco came out of his cabin nearby and smiled at me. Did I really fancy Draco? Why would Draco fancy me? It would probably only last another year if I'm being honest with myself. Vampires live for centuries. Even as a half vampire, it's not like I could change him. Could I?

          "Oh!" Hermione gasped, "We should get back to the cabin. What did Fred and George need from you?"

          We ran back to our cabin and I blushed when Draco watched me run by, "Just to talk, really."

          "There you are!" Ron exclaimed as Hermione and I entered our cabin.

         This time, Hermione sat next to Harry, making him feel slightly disappointed, "Where were you two?"

          Hermione retold the romantic story of a vampire and a werewolf and I yawned, making Ron chuckled. Ron covered my ears quickly when we pulled into King's Cross Station but Calcifer ran out of the cabin when the door jolted open. He'll get trampled! I'll lose him in the crowd!

          "Calcifer!" I cried out.

          I quickly got my bags and ran out of the train. At least, I thought I was running. When I swooped down to scoop up my cat, I was hovering over the platform. Attempting to keep the skirt of my dress down and holding my cat was proving to be a challenge. Growing embarrassed that I couldn't touch the ground while everyone stared and laughed, a friendly voice greeted me.

          "Need a hand?" Cedric asked, amused.

          I laughed softly, "I might need more than a hand."

          Calcifer leapt to Cedric's shoulder where he sat and Cedric pulled down both of my hands towards him. I hugged him with my arms over his shoulders and he held me around my lower back in his embrace. My feet were now firmly on the ground and my chest throbbed. It wasn't hunger. I only felt like this around George or Draco. Cedric's scent was so warm and calming but my heart raced. Letting him go, I sheepishly thanked him and ran off to get my trunks and to find Ron, Fred, George, or Percy. I prayed no one that I knew saw me. 

Sophie Pendragon, Year Two | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now