Chapter Twenty Nine: Friends

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          I snuck in the common room quietly while everyone was still asleep and I headed out to the baths. Myrtle was still giving me the silent treatment but Peeves wasted no time in showing me his affection. He stole my soap multiple times in the bath and threatened to take my clothes unless I promised to be safe next year. I reluctantly agreed and he left me in peace.

          I scrubbed myself clean until my skin was red and my scalp hurt. I didn't want to know why I smelled like decay and death. There was a mixture of blood that made me sick. I was also incredibly hungry, for both food and blood. I put on my robes and headed back to my dorm. Once I stepped inside, Susan and Hannah nearly deafened me.

          "SOPHIE, OH, MERLIN'S BEARD, YOU'RE AWAKE!" they screamed.

          I endured it because I felt guilty for worrying them. I spent the next few days apologizing to everyone and I had the hardest time apologizing to my close friends. I didn't know how to face the Weasleys, Cedric, or Draco. On the night before the End-of-Term Feast, I finally got a hold of the twins who were ignoring me.

          "I'm sorry!" I yelled at them once they were cornered.

          "Sophie, do you have any idea how worried we were?" George asked, more irritated than Fred.

          "It was so boring to not prank anyone. Without you, even Peeves seemed depressed," Fred said and crossed his arms.

          "I was scared, too! I almost died! If it wasn't for Harry and Ron-" I said, crying but they both hugged me.

          I hugged them and they were also crying, "Don't cry! We just care about you so much, Soph. You're our best mate. If you keep crying, we can't stay mad at you."

          I sniffled and we all smiled and laughed. I personally apologized to Ginny and she was mad at me at first but then we were both guilty for stealing it from Harry and each other. It ended up being a little funny since she still fancied him. Then, I was actually caught by Cedric who I was avoiding.

          He had me cornered in the common room after everyone went to bed, "Sophie, what happened?"

          I squeezed my hands shut, "I-I'm sorry. I just had to save my friend. If I didn't, then she would've been in a lot of trouble."

          "But you don't seem to look out for yourself! Sophie, I want you to take better care of yourself. You always try to save others but I just want you to be your own person! You have so much potential. I care about you and I was so worried. I visited you every morning," he said and grew soft.

          I blushed and just hugged him tightly, "Thank you, Cedric. I promise I'll work on being independent. Ok?"

          He was extremely embarrassed and hugged me back, "I-I'm glad you've recovered. It wasn't the same without you. Please don't go anywhere that I can't follow."

          We both released each other and made eye contact. He was serious and we were both seriously blushing. I nodded and he went upstairs. Instead of going to bed, I went to the Astronomy Tower where Draco was waiting for me. He was angry, happy, and confused. I cleared my throat and he turned around from where he was standing against the rail.

          "Sophie," he said softly.

          "H-Hi, Draco. I'm sorry I didn't see you sooner. I-" I had started crying and he rushed up to kiss me.

          "I'm so happy you're okay," he said when he stepped back.

          I was blushing and touched my lips, "Y-You are?"

          He nodded and I started to feel his guilt, "I-I didn't know you had the diary. It wasn't supposed to be.. I mean.. It doesn't matter now. You're okay. That's all that matters. Sophie, I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. Is it true that Potter and Weasley saved you?"

          I nodded and bit my lower lip, "I.. I tricked your father into setting Dobby free."

          He was caught off guard, "What? Why?"

          "I.. I had to. Please trust me," I pleaded.

          He sighed and noticed the ribbon was tied like a choker on my neck, "I do. I do trust you, Sophie. Do you trust me?"

          I nodded and we hugged. I made up with the friends that mattered most and tomorrow was the last day of school. We went to our common rooms and I fell asleep with Calcifer. He was done throwing his tantrum and let me hold him all night long. With the incidents that occurred, the House Cup was not going to be awarded this year. 

Sophie Pendragon, Year Two | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now