Taehyung: "What, is it not enough? Tell me I will give you more but hurry we don't have time."

Jeun: "No it's more than enough. "

He just hummed. Like I still ain't used to this person. I have been living with him since a couple of weeks but sometimes we still behave like we are from different worlds. Funny.

I was thinking like this when my eyes widened feeling strong embrace around my body.

He hugged me?

Taehyung: "Please take care of yourself. I can't guarantee about my life but you have to be strong. "

Jeun: "Please don't say like this I am getting scared."

Taehyung: "Why? It will do no bad to you. You will get free from this house and from me... If I die. "

Jeun: "No I am scared because I am worried something bad might happen to you. "

Taehyung: "Uh I am just giving you some courage everything will be fine."

This conversation was going on while we were in each other's embrace until he let go of me.

Flashback ended;

I was playing with Eunwoo in the living room as I had nothing else to do. He has grown a little older cutie. He talks alot now.

Eunwoo: "Noona where were you these days? I asked eomma but he said  that you are living in your new house."

Jeun: "Yes my baby your noona is married now so she lives in her new house. I will show you someday. "

Eunwoo: "But noona why girls have to leave their house. Can't you live with us?" His cute baby inquiries I have fallen for.

I chuckled;
Jeun: "Aww my baby look your noona is here to play with you. What do you wanna do?"

Eunwoo: "Noona you didn't gift me anything. I am angry." He made a pout. I kissed him on his cheek and spoke with a smile:

"Okay then we will go to a toy store and my baby will buy whatever he chooses. Happy??"

Eunwoo: "Yess!!" He uttered with excitement.

The next day we went to shopping. I felt like I have gone back to my old bachelor life because my husband was nowhere to be seen in my life. I wasn't allowed to call him, couldn't meet him, and couldn't take a glance of him. But his face and voice always kept roaming in my mind. I was just so trustfrated by my all time tension and worry for him.

After two weeks,

It was 9 pm. I was getting bored. I had watched movies and dramas of my interest and I got bored of that now. I also help Anna Eonni in house chores to divert my mind. And Eunwoo had slept but I was not sleepy at 9 pm just.

I suddenly got an idea.

Why not write my diary and express my feelings with it? Maybe time passes and I feel a little relieved.

I had a habit of writing my feelings in my diary. It was a shiny yet simple diary. So I decided to tell all my feelings to it as it my best friend who keeps all my secrets and never judges me.

I searched my cupboard, my drawers but didn't find anywhere. Then I remembered that it is in Taehyung's home. I brought it there and used to write in it whenever I felt lonely.

"Duhh what shoud I do now?"
I murmured to myself.

But it's still 9 pm. Nothing will happen if I go there and bring my diary right? Because I really wanted to open it after a long time. And I will also get a view of outside since I haven't been out after that shopping with Eunwoo. I am actually not that type of girl to roam around the city. I keep myself in house. Just job to home and home to job was my routine.

I Was Just His Tool (Taehyung X Jeun) Where stories live. Discover now