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Hannah already saw the post of Bomi and that issue was a hot topic of their school. She was sick hearing of her schoolmates gossiping about it. They talk about it and judge already giving their own opinion. Okay some them good but the rest was bad. Like they don't even know what really happened. And because of that she was feeling guilty and at the same time she was angry. He was feeling guilty of what Bomi's did to Jake and angry at Bomi.

Bomi swallowed by hatred wholly that she was transforming into a monster. She didn't think of Jake. The person who was there for her, the person who appreciates her, the person who was there when no one wants her. She just forget it all because of her intense hatred. And Hannah thought that she was worthy to blame all of this. If only she do something before maybe it will not reached to this point, all of this will not be happen. But she can't do anything because she also don't know what to do. And it's already happening.

While walking to her home Hannah saw Jake in the park sitting in the bench. She didn't hesitate to approach Jake who was now drown by his thought. Jake didn't even notice that hannah sit beside him.

"Jake?" Hannah call his name. Jake go back to his sense when he heard someone calling him.

"Hannah? Why are you here?" Jake asked.

"I was walking to go home then I saw you here." Then Hannah roam her eyes "Where Sunghoon?" He asked when he noticed that Sunghoon wasn't there.

"Probably at school. I didn't attend class today." Jake answered. Hannah just nodded her head slowly. Then silent cover them not awkward silent but a comfortable silent.

"Oh look who's there." They both turned they gaze at person who suddenly appeared. And it's was Bomi wearing her evil smile.

"The two persons who chose to betray me to get what they want." She said in mocking voice.

Hannah stand up from sitting. "Bomi you should delete what you posted about Jake and apologize to him in public." Hannah with dominant on her voice. She was done with it. Bomi should stop all of this.

"Who fuck are you to command me?" She furrowed of what Hannah this only added to his anger.

"You've done enough Bomi. This is enough! Are you happy doing this? I know I've done wrong to you and I'll always be regretful of what I did but you can blame me I just want my mother to be happy you know what happened--" Bomi cut her off.

"That's why you use to destroy our friendship by lying to me! You already know that your mom and my dad has relationship and you know that my mother was hurting because I always talk to you about it!" Hannah shouted and tears was running because of anger. "But what did you do? Playing blind about it. You fooled me! My mom was died because of emotional stress. She was always waiting for my dad that one day he'll be back! That one day he will love her again! She was always outside seeing her getting soaked because of the rain but I can't do anything!" She sobbed making her hard to breathe as her tears was like a falls that can't stop from falling.

As for Hannah she was also crying and Jake to. Jake didn't know about this. All was he know is that she hate Bomi because she blamed it about her mother death not knowing what the reason because when he ask about it Bomi just changed the topic clearly avoiding the topic and he don't want to force Bomi to speak about it. And know he already know. It's heartbreaking to see Bomi like this after all Bomi become his special person.

"J-Jake your the person I-I trusted again but y-you also betray me." Bomi stutter and her voice was become low. She was tired of shouting.

"Y-you could've tell me b-but you chose to lie both of you." After she said that a heavy rain just drop seems to sympathize with the pain she feels. Then she run being soaked with the the rain. Jake and Hannah follow her. Bomi just run don't know where to go she just let her legs wherever it will take her. Her eyes blurry because of the rain and the surrounding too become uncleared.

She just run, run, and run until a rushing  car was coming to her ready to hit her. She just stood there don't even flinch but after she will get hit by the car someone push her so she will not get hit by the car.

And a loud bang noise was heard. Indicating that there is someone who get hit and someone save her.


It's Us [Jakehoon]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora