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It's already night Jake and Sunghoon having their dinner at the restaurant. They eat in silent. Jake was still thinking about Bomi and Sunghoon was thinking how should he fix the mess. He don't want to see Jake like this all he want it's to make Jake happy because he deserve it.

They are now in the park Sunghoon decided to bring Jake here. It's quite and peaceful Jake like this kind of place. He look at again Jake and Jake is still spacing out. They are now sitting on the swings. Sunghoon reached the hand of the older who was absence in the moment. He didn't even know that Sunghoon intertwined their hands.

Sunghoon squeeze Jake hands and Jake look at him with question look. Sunghoon just smile at him. Jake look at their hands. He smiled because he like it.

"Let's sleep at my house." Sunghoon suggest. Jake want to decline it but part of him don't want to because he need Sunghoon accompany so he don't feel lonely but he was shy also.

"But Niki is waiting for me he want to play some video game." Jake said when he remembered Niki texted him.

Sunghoon pouted. "You can play next time." He said while he look at Jake with puppy eyes. And Jake can't resist it Sunghoon was too cute.

Jake giggle. "Okay fine I'll just gonna send a message to Niki so he'll be informed." And he texted Niki saying he can't go home to their dorm. Niki reply him that it's okay because he was also tired.

They are now at the front of the house of Sunghoon. Sunghoon mother was the one who open it.

"Sunghoon are you sleeping here tonight?" His mother said excitedly.

"Yes mom with him." Sunghoon said and grabbed Jake who was hiding. His mother give him a mischievous smile.

"Okay get inside now it's cold outside." Her mother invite. "Okay I'll sleeping now just wake me up if you need something." Her mother said and they both nodded. His mother was going to her room but she stop to teased his son. "Sunghoon don't do it okay you were still young" and after his mother said that she rushed to get inside her room like a teenager who was fangirling them. Jake and Sunghoon both flushed of what Sunghoon's mother said.

They both entered in Sunghoon room. Sunghoon just rarely sleep at their house because he was too lazy to go here so that's why he decided to live in dorm. Jake looking was around at Sunghoon room it was clean and neat. Sunghoon handed him with hoodie and comfortable pants.

"Take a shower at my bathroom and I take a shower down stair." Sunghoon said then pinched his cheek but before he can complain Sunghoon already went out in the room. Jake just smile at the younger behavior.

When Jake get out on the bathroom he already saw Sunghoon at the bed sitting looking at him in awe. Sunghoon reached his hand to Jake so Jake take it. Sunghoon settle him between his legs like back hugging him while they were sitting in the bed. Sunghoon put his head between Jake neck and shoulder. And his hands was wrap around on Jake waist.

"Don't think so much okay? I'll talk to her. Don't worry just trust me." Sunghoon said and tightened his hug to Jake.

Jake leaned his back to Sunghoon and he just reply a hummed. They stay that for a minute before they decided to lay on bed. They both face each other. Sunghoon was still hugging him like soft pillow.

"Your so clingy" Jake giggle because he was a bit tickle.

"Can't stop it you're so cute and I want to cuddle with you." Sunghoon honestly say then Sunghoon flooded him a kiss on his face. And Jake trying to get out from Sunghoon hugged because he was tickled but Sunghoon tightened his hug so Jake can't skip.

"Why so cute hmm?" Sunghoon ask admiring Jake. Jake blushed don't know what to respond because in makes his heart flutter.

"Your eyes." Then he touch Jake eyes and Jake close his eyes. "Your nose." He traced Jake nose. "Your lips so fluffy and your cheek. Everything you do or even your movements is so cute. The way you smile, laugh, and giggle is nice to hear it's like a music that I'll never get tired listening to it." Sunghoon said looking at Jake with lovely eyes. And Jake can feel that his face will explode. He playfully slap Sunghoon chest.

"S-stop it" he stutter feeling shy. Sunghoon smile because of Jake cuteness.

"Ooh~ look at that your acting cute again." Sunghoon cooing him.

"Yeah I'm not cute." Jake said unconsciously pouting.

"Who on earth will tell that you're not cute? Huh? I'll help them see a doctor." Sunghoon playfully said in angry tone. Jake laugh at Sunghoon. "You're the cutest in my eyes. Hmm" then Sunghoon hug him again so tight but enough that Jake can still breath.

"Thank you Sunghoonnie for making me feel better" Jake sweet mumble.

Sunghoon smile at the cute nickname Jake given to him. "For you of course." And then they went silent listening to their own heartbeat until they drifted in their own dreamland.


Holding hands while walking to their school. Sunghoon was so clingy and Jake, even though he acted like he don't like it but deep inside he was so close to explode. Plus Sunghoon never forget to always complement him every minute and it's make Jake face turn into red.

While they were walking Sunghoon always take a glance to Jake and Jake notice that the younger was looking at his lips. "What? You always took a glance at me?"

Sunghoon scratch his nape and smile awkwardly. "N-nothing" Sunghoon want to slap his self for stuttering.

Jake want to laugh because Sunghoon stutter and acted shy. "You want to kiss me?" Jake ask while he wiggle his eyebrows just to tease the younger.

Jake widen his eyes when Sunghoon kiss him it's just a smack but he didn't expect it though because they are in public and many students is passing by. Because of Sunghoon action Jake can feel that all his blood went to his face then he playfully slap Sunghoon on his shoulder. Jake just received a laugh making him more blush.

When they entered at the school some students were staring at them weirdly specially to Jake but Jake and Sunghoon ignore it but as they walk to their classroom more and more students stare at them like they did some criminal action. And Sunghoon has a bad feeling about this.

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