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"You should be more careful!"

"What if something worse happens to him?!"

"We're playing basketball, not volleyball, why did you hit the ball?"

Jake was startled by the faint shout coming from nearby. He slowly open his eyes and the first he saw was the white ceiling. He checked his surroundings and then he realize that he was in the school clinic.

"Sunghoon stop it, he already apologized. He said he didn't mean it." Based on that voice it was Jay.

After that Jake didn't hear anything he just a bit starled when the door of the room was open. Sunghoon and Jay entered the room.

"Jake! Thanks God your awake" Sunghoon said in excited tone he has a big smile that was written on his face. He came to Jake excitedly and sit to bed where Jake is. Jake also sit, Sunghoon help Jake to sit properly.

"How are you Jake? Are you okay? It's there something hurt? Are you feeling dizzy?" Sunghoon asked without a break. Jake giggle he find the younger funny even though it was worrying at him. Sunghoon who heard the elder giggling look at him with questions look. Sunghoon find the elder cute but he's still worried.

"What's funny? I'm worried here Jake" Sunghoon said in serious tone. Jake who can see that the younger was really serious stop from giggling.

"I'm fine it's nothing I just hit with a ball" Jake stated with a smile just to reassure the younger that he was really fine.

"Yeah it was just a ball but you fainted and it's not fine what if you'll already sick that's why you passed just like the movie I've watched he was just hit in the wall because he's being careless and he fainted then later on he find out he is sick." After he said that he catch his breathing because he talk so fast without a pause he was like he is rapping. He was just being so dramatic.

Jake and Jay who heard the rant of Sunghoon just look at him with flat face. And awkward silent occur.

"Ahem" Sunghoon fake cough and straighten his sit. He was embarrassed when he realized what he did.

"Tss I didn't know that Park Sunghoon can be so dramatic" Jay teased to Sunghoon. "You've watch to much drama" Jay add. Sunghoon just give him a glare.

They all pay they're attention to the door when someone entered it's Bomi and Heesung.

"Jake! I'm glad you're fine" Bomi exclaimed and run towards Jake to give the male a hug. Sunghoon who was shock by the sudden move of Bomi he immediately move away in the bed where he's sitting earlier. There is a bitterness in his face and a hit of jealousy looking at the two hugging.

Jake smile of what the girl did. "Relax I'm just fine Bomi no need to worry." Bomi let go of the hug.

"I was really worried when you just suddenly passed out. I thought your head was really hit on the floor after it was hit by a ball" Bomi's said.

"The nurse said we can now go home" it was Heesung who interfere.

They decided to eat first before they go to there dorms. There's a silent while they eat the only sound you can heard was the fork, spoon and plate when it's collide. After they eat they walked together talking about random topic. It was Heesung and Jay to bid there goodbye. The boys dorm was near than to girls dorm, Sunghoon and Jake decided they will accompany Bomi to her dorm it was just supposedly Sunghoon requested by Bomi but Sunghoon insist that Jake should be going too. Jake tried to decline that he can't go to a reason that he's already tired although he really wanted to join but Bomi signaled him to decline it. But Sunghoon being a stubborn didn't let go of Jake that's why it ended the three of them walking.

It was a completely awkward silent no one dare to talk first. The sun was already settled down. They all wanted to talk to break the silent but they can't open there mouth don't know what they supposed to say.

Until they arrive at the door of the girls dorm. They stop walking and stood in the front of the building. Bomi suddenly face Sunghoon. Sunghoon and Jake was starled by the sudden move of the girl.

The girl inhale then exhale she was like getting a courage will she is, because she has something to say.

"Sunghoon I-I have something t-to tell you" Bomi was stuttering because of nervousness.

"What it is?" Sunghoon asked although he was calm outside but deep inside it gives him shiver he felt odd, something gonna happen. Jake on the other side was nervous also. He has already a clue what Bomi's gonna say. He wanted to get away where he is to leave the both them and have some privacy but there's a part of him stopping him to go.

"I like you Sunghoon and I want you to be my boyfriend." Bomi said straightforward. Sunghoon widen his eyes after he heard what the girl said.

Jake as expected but what he didn't expect is when Bomi get close to Sunghoon tiptoe and she reach the lips of the taller man with her lips. And there lips collide.

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