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Jake was glued where he was standing he wanted to left but his feet didn't cooperate of what his mind saying. He felt that there where something stock on his esophagus. He felt that his eye was teary but he don't want to let his tears to fall to unknown reason. Finally his feet already cooperate to what his mind saying. He slowly walk not minding was just he saw. Every step he make feels like so heavy plus the feels in his chest that there where something squeezing his heart that it makes him hard to breathe. He stop walking and he let out a big sigh then he look above looking the stars and the moon that was shining in dark. He's about to continue his walk when someone calls his name.

"Jake!" It's Sunghoon shouting his name. Jake just wanted to run to avoid the younger but in a second he think why would he do that he was being unreasonable. He asked for help and the younger didn't even refuse him. So he just decided to stopped and getting ready a big smile to Sunghoon.

When Sunghoon stop he was catching his breath two hands was on his knees. Jake felt pity on the younger.

"Jake I swear I didn't expect she will do that." When Sunghoon breath back to normal he explained quickly to the older.

Jake didn't leave his smile on his face. "I know but why did you left her?"

Sunghoon examine the face of Jake he can tell that the latter was hiding an emotion behind those smile.

"I didn't mean to leave him i-its just I was worried about you." He said in fact. When he get over about the kiss scene he immediately look to Jake to find out that the older wasn't there when he look around he saw the latter walking away he's about to follow the boy but he don't want to leave the girl again like he did before with the same reason too. He said goodbye to Bomi and leave he didn't even let the girl to speak.

"I'm sorry again" Sunghoon apologize. 'Why does it's happen again? Really?' Sunghoon question his self.

"No don't be sorry." Jake said and pause for a while. "So d-did you say y-yes?" Jake stuttering.

"I didn't answer her because I know you like her." Sunghoon answered. Jake just nodded he was already tired of what's happening today that even his mouth tired to talk. All he want right now was to lay down on his bed and get some sleep.


"Let's go I'm already tired." Jake cut Sunghoon he don't want to hear anything about the taller. He was the first to walk while Sunghoon didn't feel at ease so he just fallow the older.

Until they arrive at the dorm no one speak even though Sunghoon really want to open his mouth but he just shut it feeling the boy in front of him who's not in his self. Sunghoon was worried again to Jake.

The elevator door was already open signed that Sunghoon should go first. He step out his back was facing Jake so he turn around to face the older to see that the latter press the button on the elevator he's about to open his mouth but the elevator already closing slowly. Before the door close directly he was wishing that the latter will lay a glance on him but he didn't until the door shut.

Jake on the other side already stepping out in the elevator still feel the heavy thing inside of him that he even dont know where it comes. When he entered he saw the younger roommate laying on the sofa while watching a movie.

"Hi hyung did you eat already?" Niki ask never leave the eyes on the screen. Jake just nodded and walk straight to the bathroom. Niki who thought he didn't get an answer watch the older entered the bathroom he just shrugged it off and go back to what he was watching.

When Jake get out the tv already turn off and the younger wasn't there anymore he straight to there bedroom Niki was already there with his phone he was typing on it.

Niki reserve a message from his Sunghoon hyung. Asking what jake doing and why he didn't answer his phone.

"Hyung, Sunghoon hyung asking if you could answer his call or text him back." Niki can sense that there where something going wrong between them but seeing his Jake hyung lay on the bed his back was facing on him and didn't get any answers. He just keep his mouth shut although he wanted to ask what's happening.

It's been 3 hours since Jake lay on his bed but he can't fall asleep his mind wondering around. He get his phone he has 7 calls and 20 messages from Sunghoon. He sighed he feel guilty his about to call Sunghoon but he think that probably the younger is already sleeping right now will that he thought if he only know.

Jake decided to try call Sunghoon but when he's about to dial his number Bomi's number just appeared on the screen.

"Jake I'm sorry if I disturb your sleep"

"It's fine I've still haven't sleep"

"Jake why did you leave earlier?" Jake went silent in a second before he answered.

"Ahm giving you some privacy?" He answered in question.

"Hmm you know I was embarrassed of what I did to Sunghoon earlier do you know that I also did that on the day we date and he also walk out that day after I kiss him I've shouldn't do that aahh!! I'm so embarrassed today I feel like I don't have to face him tommorow. What should I do Jake? What if he'll start avoiding me?" Bomi rant to Jake.

Jake sigh. "Why did you kiss him?" Jake asked.

"Hmm don't know I just feel to kiss him argh but still I've shouldn't do that for now I'm sure he get more angry on me. Can you talk to him ask him if he angry on me?"

"Ahm for sure he's not angry at you"

"But he didn't reply on my text and didn't answer my call and I have this feeling that he didn't like me because he like someone." Jake became silent he didn't tell Bomi that Sunghoon already like someone. 'Maybe I should tell her.'

"Yeah he already like someone." Jake answered directly.

"What?! It can be! That girl!" Jake immediately pulled away his phone from his ear because of the sudden shout from the other line. He look at the screen on his phone. He was about to ask Bomi about the girl she was referring but the call already ended.

"Maybe she was shock." Jake stated he try to call again the girl but Bomi didn't pick up so he just decided to talk with her tomorrow.

I just finished watching the en-oclock ep 15 they're so cute even though they messed up in the kitchen. They're so funny to watch❤️
Jake is so cute😭

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