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After that it's been 2 weeks since Sunghoon and Jake last talk. Just like a virus it was spread to there school that Sunghoon and Bomi was officially in relationships. Everyone was shocked that Sunghoon will be now in serious relationship this is the longest relationship he has but not everyone believe it.

Jake was not surprised when Sunghoon was avoiding him. He try to approached the younger to say sorry but Sunghoon choice to avoid him and give him a cold treatment. Jake doesn't like what's happening to them he wasn't used to it. Everyday that past the heavier he feels.

He was feeling lonely even though Jay and the others with him. It's feels different when Sunghoon was there. Since that day Sunghoon just often to spend his time with them plus the thought that Sunghoon was avoiding him. Also Bomi was often can go with him because Bomi was spend more time to Sunghoon than him. If you ask him if he was jealous, then the answer will be yes. He was jealous but can't explain. When he look at Bomi smiling because of Sunghoon he feel happy because Bomi was happy but when he look at Sunghoon smiling at Bomi he felt like he wanted to be the reason of that smile. He wanted to be in the side in Sunghoon. He wanted to feel the embrace of the younger.  He only wanted to be the only one to see those beautiful eyes of him. The dimple that will printed on his face when he laughed of happiness. He shook his head of the thoughts he was thinking.

Today was another day being lonely Jay and the other was busy so no one's there to tell him if he was okay or is there something wrong. Sunghoon was so different even he was so busy he will spear a time to Jake. But now there is no Sunghoon.

He went to cafeteria alone he wanted to talk to Bomi earlier but the girl was in hurry. As always.

While walking to cafeteria he spotted Sunghoon also walking but his attention was on his phone. Sunghoon back was facing him even though he can't see the face of the younger he was sure it's him. He was having a fight on his head if he will approached or not the younger.

He decided to approach him but before he can do someone hug Sunghoon's back. And it was Bomi. Sunghoon faced the girl with starled face but when he saw who it is he immediately smile. And Jake saw it. Sunghoon sight struck a familiar man standing in a distance. He locked his eyes on Jake but he instantly take his gaze away. He make sure to see Jake the way he wrapped his hands around on Bomi's waist. He don't know why but he wanted to see the older reaction so he took a slight gaze on Jake and he regret it.

Jake chose to walk away to buy something to eat although he already lost his appetite.

"Jake hyung!" He was starled by Sunoo who just appeared on his front. Sunoo giggle when he saw the reaction of Jake.

Jake hold his chest where his heart located and he glared at the younger. "You scared me!"

Sunoo laugh. "You should see your face hyung it's so funny. It's so obvious that you thinking deeply that you didn't notice me."

"I thought you have something to finish with Niki and Jungwon" Jake stated.

Sunoo never leave his bright smile to his face. "Yes we have. But we just finished it early so we decided to join you here they just buy food."

Jake just hummed as a response he was not in the mood to talk cause his mind still wondering if what he saw earlier. But he know he can't have a the peaceful he wants knowing Sunoo was talkative.

"So~ What's are you thinking? Are you thinking of Sunghoon hyung? Did you already talk to him? Did you already make up?" Sunoo asked non stop.

They all know that Jake and Sunghoon is not in the good terms. They usually saw the two to be stick together after class but this past few days they suspect that something happens between the two as they avoided each other. And there suspicious got answer when Jake tell them what happen. All of them said that what Jake do was wrong but they didn't blame it all to Jake. They also said that Sunghoon did something wrong also but to Jake he took all the blame. He feel like Sunghoon is his puppet even though he don't want to sound like that.

Sunoo who received a silent answer on Jake shut his mouth. They all knew that Jake was secretive he doesn't like to talk about what in his mind or his problem unless he opened up.

Niki and Jungwon just arrived with a food in tray. As they sat down they notice that Jake was spacing out just staring at nothing. They give a look at to Sunoo asking what just happened. But Sunoo just shrugged his shoulder. Niki tapped Jake shoulder that cause Jake back in present.

"Jake hyung are you alright?" Niki asked worried about his hyung. He was worried because lately the older always spacing out like he was lost and not with his self. He know that it has to do with his Sunghoon hyung.

The older just give him a smile that didn't even reach his eyes. The three younger shared a look.

They started eating in silent, Sunoo who's not use in silent because he live his life with energy that has never ending but know he can't make it he don't want his Jake hyung to walk again to be with his self and be drown with his problem again just because he was being noisy.

In the middle of there eating Jay and Heesung with Sunghoon arrived and sit with them. And just then the atmosphere in unknown reason it's feels like heavy. They all become silent. The five of them shared a look to each other. Just then Jake and Sunghoon stood up in unison making all of them look at the two. Sunghoon and Jake look each other but eventually look away.

"I better go" Jake said with a small smile he was about to leave when Jay speak.

"No. Both of you sit down." Jay command looking at the two with dreadful look. Without hesitation they both go back to sit knowing that Jay was serious.

"Look, since you don't want us to know what's going on both of you, then we will not force you to tell us. Just please talk to each other and be okay. So since today we are complete I would like to say that ... I'm getting married."

Everyone widened there eyes looking at Jay.

"Just kidding you all same so serious." Jay let out an awkward laugh but the others give him a neutral expression.

"Okay what ever, so is there anyone here know what day tomorrow is?" Jay ask excitedly.

"Don't you have a calendar hyung?" Jungwon asked innocently. The other laugh of what Jungwon said. Jay sigh.

"What? Of course I have. I'm not asking what date tommorow is what I mean did anyone here know or remember what event tomorrow is?" Jay asked again he tried not to get angry because no one remember about tomorrow.

Again they exchange look to convey a message to each other about tomorrow.

"Gosh I can't believe you all!" Jay said in furious he can't believe this how can they forgot about him. He was feeling betrayed.

"It's my birthday!" He said and everyone was like "O"

"This is so disappointed guys I feel like I don't belong to this group. I feel like I was forgotten. Like I'm not important. I'm so feel betray!" Jay rant. The others were guilty but they didn't mean to forget it they were just so busy that they forgot about it.

"Jay hyung we're so sorry we've been so busy these few days but we don't really meant to forget you special day."  Jungwon said while pouting and the two younger Niki and Sunoo followed to apologize. And Jay was so soft for the trio that he can't stay longer being angry with them.

"Okay no need to apologise all of you. I understand even me I almost forget my own birthday because I'm also busy with the school work plus the sport fest is coming so we need to practice harder. Since tomorrow is saturday let's sleep over at my house." Jay said. "All of you should come no excuse." Then he look at Sunghoon and Jake.

Jake and Sunghoon sigh in chorus.

Sorry is takes so long I'm having a writer's block due to school works but anyway thank you for those who wait.😘💖

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