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"I can't hear them what are they talking about?" It was Jay he leaned his head on the door to heard the conversation. Literally eavesdropping well his not alone who was sneakily listen to the conversation of the two who was behind in that door.

"Shhhh we can't hear because you're so noisy they might hear us." Heesung whisper and do the same with Jay. The others also try so hard to heard the conversation. They covered in silent.

Surprisedly the door got open that cause them to fall on the floor they all look at to Sunghoon and Jake. Smiled awkwardly at the two. Sunghoon and Jake was surprised of their friends.

"Yah! Did you just listened to our conversation?!" Sunghoon yelled at them. Jake feeling his face turning to red he was embarrassed if his friends really heard what they have just talked.

"No!" They all said and shake their heads aggressively denying the accused giving to them. But they just make it so obvious at Sunghoon who was now angry but also shy.

"Really? I can tell you guys if you're really telling the truth or the lies." Sunghoon said looking at his friends in disbelief.

They all stand up from the floor and patted their clothes that get dirty. They all look down feeling bad of what they did.

"Sorry we shouldn't do that." Heesung apologize "But promise we didn't heard anything we just arrived." Heesung said in fact. They don't really heard anything.

Sunghoon can see that Heesung was really saying the truth and sincerely sorry so just he nodded his head forgiving his friends.

Jake sigh in relief. Sunghoon who noticed it look at Jake and genuinely smile at the older. He was so happy right now all the uneasy and heavy feelings he have before was gone now.

Jake who can sense the stare of the younger look at his direction. The younger was smiling at him like he was the precious and beautiful things in the whole world. They just stared at each other forgetting the five who just tried earlier to eavesdropping at their conversation.

Jay make a fake cough to get the attention of the two who have their own world. "Incase you forgot we still here." Jay remind them bitterly and roll his eyes.

Jake instantly look away feeling the heat of his face. Sunghoon who saw the older reaction just chuckle finding it cute.

"Wow! Someone it's whipped." Niki teased at his Sunghoon hyung. Sunghoon just smirk at Niki.

"Let's go back to sleep so we have energy tommorow for my birthday." Jay said sarcastically.


It's monday and this is the best day of Jake just remembering that night where he already confess his feelings to Sunghoon that he been hiding for so long. As he walked happily someone joined him for walking.

"What happened today? You seemed so happy?" It was Bomi smiling with him. Jake stop for walking and his smile slowly faded as he saw Bomi. Bomi stopped also for walking and look confused for Jake.

"What? Do I ruined your happiness?" Bomi asked as she smile awkwardly. Jake shake his head aggressively don't want to make Bomi doubted him.

Now that he see Bomi he felt guilty. How can he forget that Sunghoon and Bomi are now together? How can he get easily carried about his feelings forgetting Bomi?

Jake was now deep in thought he snapped out when Bomi wave her hand on his face.

"Are you alright?" Bomi asked concerned about his friend after he was spacing out.

Jake nodded. "Yeah I'm totally fine."

"Okay if you say so, now let's go because the class will start already." Bomi said she held Jake wrist and dragged him.

Jake can't focus on the class his mind was busy thinking about Sunghoon and Bomi. What he will do? What will happen between him and Sunghoon or between Bomi and Sunghoon? Is he being a burdened to them? He feel like he was that someone who'll destroy a relationship. And he don't want to be like that. But he also don't want to pushed away again his feeling like he always do before it's suffocating already. So many but that it cause his head hurt.

Because he full of thoughts that he didn't even realize he was now on cafeteria with Sunoo and Jungwon having their lunch. Sunoo and Jungwon explained why the others can't joined them but both of them stop talking when they notice that Jake wasn't listening to them.

Jungwon tap Jake shoulder and Jake flinch of what the younger did.

"You okay hyung? You seems so drown on your thought." Jungwon asked.

"I'm fine." Jake answered Sunoo and Jungwon both roll their eyes. They both know that the older was lying and they both know too that the older like to keep his problem with him.

"Hyung just tell us so we can help you." Sunoo said as he look at his hyung with serious and sincerely look so they can get the trust of their hyung. Jake sigh looking at his friends. It will feel good if he tell his friends about what he was thinking all day and to lessen his heavy feelings he had right now. So he said to them what he was thinking.

The two just nodded their heads after hearing their hyung. They became speechless don't even know what to advise or say.

"You better ask Sunghoon hyung about this hyung. You said that you forced him to date Bomi noona so maybe he can break up with her." Sunoo said after the long silence.

"Hays! Sunoo hyung that stupid of you think what the other feels. Bomi noona feels." Jungwon said and rolled his eyes.

"Like duh! Jake hyung said that Bomi noona asked for help of hyung he literally forced Jake hyung to help her date with Sunghoon hyung because Jake hyung at the first place declined it. Like duh~ she should maybe think that Sunghoon hyung don't have feelings to her is she even think why Sunghoon hyung suddenly agree to be his boyfriend? If I was her I'll probably wondered why Sunghoon hyung got changed his mind and date me? Ugh is so annoying." Sunoo said sassily with annoyance.

"It's because she like Sunghoon hyung that's why he didn't think of does thing." Jungwon argue.

"Yeah! Like you said it's just like not love but our Jake hyung here love Sunghoon hyung there is a biggest different between like and love." Sunoo sassed.

"What? You love Sunghoon?" They all turned their head of the person who just speak. They all shocked when they see Bomi standing not so far at them enough to hear their conversation.

MAMA later🎉

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