Episode Nine

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"Alright boys, let's wrap this scene up quickly, eh? My husband went home sick and I will get home to make him tea to feel better before bed. If you suckers get in the way of that I'm gonna be throwing chairs. You got that?" Yoongi barked, folding his script around his lips to form a makeshift mega phone from his director's seat.

The crew murmured an agreeing response around them, most knowing Yoongi was full of empty threats. Jungkook's own scene had already finished earlier so he could have gone back to his apartment at any time, but still he lingered to watch Jimin's scenes and maybe try to catch another conversation with him before he headed home.

Plus, he (as an empath) had the sense Jimin might need a friend on set today with the addition of his ex boyfriend to the movie.

Kim Seokjin wasn't as tall as Jungkook thought he'd be when he finally saw the actor in real life. He wasn't sure why that struck him as so odd but - well it was the first thing he noticed. The second was how broad his shoulders were underneath his pink suit jacket. His face was carved like a prince in kid's story books, handsome and delicate. Red lips, pale skin, dark, dark hair. He was striking and walked with a confidence that made Jungkook uneasy.

Jimin's reaction had mimicked Jungkook's shock, but whatever emotions rioted in his friend's head were masked as fast as they came. The second the two actors were in the same room Jimin's face went blank. There was a careful craft to his expressions after, aimed towards Jin, towards Jungkook, towards the crew. Like a camera followed his every breath and a script fluttered across his lips.

Jungkook could have gone home earlier, sure. He almost offered to drive Hoseok home when his manager wasn't feeling well in the morning but then his hand got hot where Jimin's finger had brushed against it for support and the offer never came up. And so Hoseok drove home alone and Jungkook was left watching Jimin act with his ...sort of ex?

It was a strange situation to be in.

"Alright. Last scene for the night! Jin I just need you to press Jimin against the practice baking table and Jimin you need to be all like 'oh my gosh no! I love my baking judge lover" then Jin be all like 'oh my gosh I can use that to blackmail you, you're sleeping with the judge oooo.'' Yoongi said and his Boom-mic people gave him a look.

Yoongi clapped his hands. "Like The Rock, I want this scene to be strong. Kapeesh?"

Seokjin gave a thumbs up on set, the actor effortlessly taking control of the environment despite joining the cast so suddenly. The second he'd walked in with Taehyung, the two commanded space around them. He hadn't seen Seokjin successfully walk up to Jimin or vise versa all day, though he'd seen the actor try countless times only for Jimin to be swept up in a scene or gone off set.

Jungkook scrunched his nose, seeing the hopeful look light up Seokjin's eyes as he stared at Jimin before him. The same bright longing one the man had been giving him all day.

He didn't know what to make of it. Jimin had even eaten lunch with Jungkook in their trailer to avoid Jin - which Jungkook didn't mind. It was nice to eat together casually; they hadn't brought up any serious topics, discussing new Netflix dating show drama and food they missed from Korea. It was new, nice even.

Jimin now glanced over at Jungkook when Jin looked away from him, a panic softening from his face when his eyes landed on him.

Jungkook didn't know what to do to respond - so he just waved. Jimin grinned at that and Jungkook felt something flush over him. He blushed, unsure why, and rubbed the back of his neck. Jimin mouthed the words "idiot" and Jungkook stuck out his tongue which made Jimin laugh before the director called scene start.

Low Stress: Publicity Stunt (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now