Episode Five

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"Wait." Jungkook said, staring at Jimin with his mouth half open. "You actually do hate me."

"I-" Jimin started, his dark hair covering his face slightly, but he could still see the actor's jaw tense. Jimin's words fell flat.

"This whole time, I was sure it was mostly for the media. The rivalry. All the buzz it creates. But you genuinely don't like me. Why?" Jungkook asked, moving to flip the meat on the grill in between them and drawing slightly closer to the flushed boy.

Jimin cleared his throat. "I shouldn't have come." He said, starting to pick up his things and Jungkook shook his head, pointing his silver grilling tongs in Jimin's direction.

"Sit." Jungkook commanded and Jimin's eyes went wide, but he sat. Jimin pursed his lips, as he often did when he was annoyed, but didn't make any more motions to leave. "I'm buying enough meat to feed two people; you don't get to leave and waste my money too."

Jimin flushed but didn't move to leave. Instead he took off the stupid black shades and hat, running a hand through his messy hair.

"Now," Jungkook added, surprised he wasn't shaking. His voice sounded strong and his body was surprisingly relaxed as he continued to focus on grilling the meat in front of him instead of - you know - screaming. This whole time a part of him believed Jimin would come around, that the second they were out of the media's eyes the boy would soften up and the two of them could - could what? Be friends? They were both at the top of their industry, both young, navigated their lives and -

Jungkook cursed at himself. He shot up to stardom so fast, getting more projects and offers in a year after his debut than most actors did in a lifetime. The only person who could understand was Jimin. At least that's what Jungkook had hoped. That Jimin could help him figure out how to balance the fame and the workload and live a life outside of it. That the rivalry was just to boost each other up in media attention.

Jungkook put down the tongs, moving to grab  a piece of lettuce with his chopsticks. He set it down on Jimin's plate, adding some kimchi and then a piece of grilled pork meat on top. He made the same combination for himself then leaned back in his chair. "You don't get to run away. You've treated me like crap since the day we started filming. Every single day on set I felt like I was navigating a landmine while you treated every crew member, every guest, even my own manager, with nothing but respect. So what is it you have against me?"

Jimin was silent for a while, looking down at the bite of a meal Jungkook had made him and his pale cheeks flushed with color. But Jungkook could see the stubborn glint spark in his eyes. Jungkook narrowed his gaze, stretching his hands behind his head trying to find the rawness of the crying boy he'd met the night before.

"I understand that I don't have five years of experience and that I've won awards over you, but Jimin I worked hard for that. I didn't steal anything from you. I'm a good actor, I've spent years studying the craft and networking. This wasn't some undermining move. I deserve what I've achieved." Jungkook said, surprised to find that he actually meant the words.

"I know." Jimin finally said. "You're a good actor, Jungkook." Jimin answered and something undid in Jungkook's chest despite himself. That's all he'd wanted to hear since he was offered to work on A Sprinkle of Love with Jimin. "You just - Jungkook we've been in LA for two weeks and you're already friends with half the city. Same in Seoul. In two years, you've made more connections than I've made in five. I don't hate you because you're a good actor, you're right, you deserve those awards, but it was just so easy for you. Finding friends in the industry, getting the projects you have, the manager you have, the relationships with people. You have so much freedom on top of that too, it's actually crazy."

Jimin looked down at the meat on his plate and Jungkook waved his hand. "The least you can do is eat it. Can't judge whether people have or haven't lived an easy life on an empty stomach."

Jimin grimaced, a hint of shame flickered across his eyes as he slowly picked up the meat and took a bite. His eyes widened at the taste, a part of him wanting to squeal from how good it was but Jungkook watched Jimin tame the reaction down. Jungkook had specifically chosen this restaurant because it was also his favorite in LA. He wanted to impress Jimin - something that made him want to laugh thinking about now.

"And you're wrong. Getting to where I am now wasn't easy, Jimin. I made a lot of sacrifices for this."

Jimin let out a small sigh but didn't push. "The connections part isn't a lie though." Jimin said, picking up lettuce with his chopsticks and making Jungkook his own combination of vegetables and meat. Jimin didn't say anything as he did so, adding it to Jungkook's plate, but Jungkook could recognize the olive branch Jimin was reaching out. "Neither is the freedom. You have complete say in your projects, when you work, who you work with. That's a luxury actors work years to achieve. I've only barely touched that."

Jungkook stared at him, at the way his dark lashes scrape his lean cheeks as he looked down at his work. Jimin's hands were artistful, holding his chopsticks like paintbrushes and even his movements were graceful. But something heavy drew Jimin's form down, reminding Jungkook how Jimin had curled himself outside the art museum as he cried.

"What exactly was the argument with your friends about?" Jungkook asked, eating the combination Jimin had made him and surprised at the hidden flavors Jimin added. How he knew Jungkook loved spicier foods Jungkook didn't know - maybe it was just a good guess - but Jungkook saw the way Jimin watched people on set. He noticed small things about them, like how one intern likes iced coffee over hot or how the boom mic man could ignore his sore arm when he was chewing gum. Had Jimin also watched him?

Jimin licked his bottom lip, looking back up to Jungkook with full round eyes. They were bright, his expression open, as Jimin locked Jungkook into his gaze. The loud sound of customers going about their conversations, of a glass cracking from an accidental wave of a hand, of the old Korean trot music, faded away. It muffled Jungkook's ears as Jimin's entire focus settled on Jungkook.

"I'm sorry for the way I treated you, Jungkook." Jimin said and Jungkook frowned. Not sure why it took him so aback to hear the apology. "Whatever way I feel, I shouldn't have let it affect you. It was unfair and - well I know you're new in the industry so it must have been intimidating to fly all the way out here just to work with a co-worker who isn't welcoming. I'm sorry my actions isolated you. I know how that feels and I shouldn't have taken it out on you."

Jungkook swallowed and Jimin looked back down at the meat that was starting to size and suddenly the world flooded back in around the two men.

"Okay." Jungkook finally said. "Okay, I'll accept that apology as long as you buy me something from Prada. I like black." Jungkook winked and Jimin looked like he was about to fight back before that hesitant expression broke out into a grin.

"Gold digger." He laughed and Jungkook shrugged, adding another combo of meat and vegetables onto Jimin's plate. "I like being taken care of by my friends. Especially rich ones who can buy me a car."

"A car too?" Jimin laughed, his brows shooting up and Jungkook sipped a drink of water with a nod.

"A black one, please."


"Always. Like I said, I like my friends taking care of me."

"So, we're back to being friends now?" Jimin asked and Jungkook leaned forward. Jimin's eyes widened as Jungkook held his stare, clasping his hands on the table like a businessman initiating a deal.

"Yes, Jimin. You deserve friends who don't make you cry like that. And, well you were wrong about me having close friends. I have a lot of people I know, you're right on that front, but they're people that you only ever go out to lunch with or grab coffee or party with once in a while. I don't have a close friend outside of Hoseok. So, I'd say this is an even exchange. And you apologized, which means you're actually human. I don't see why we wouldn't be friends."

"Ok." Jimin replied, giving Jungkook a puzzled expression as his eyes danced across Jungkook's face. "Let's be friends, Jeon Jungkook."

Hehe double update 😘

- Vio

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