Episode Two

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"Cut!" Min Yoongi yelled, rubbing his forehead as Jimin and Jungkook ruined yet another take of the kiss scene. Their characters were supposed to have just finished successfully cooking the cake Jimin's character had failed practicing all day. They were supposed to be so happy getting the cake right that the two decided on taking a break to watch the snow finally fall outside. Jimin's back was pressed against a brick city apartment wall as he watched small flecks of snow start to float around them while Jungkook was scripted to lean in and kiss him.

The only problem with that was - neither boy wanted to kiss the other. Jungkook at least wasn't making it obvious where Jimin couldn't have the distain more evident on his pouty lips and tense face. Jungkook originally agreed to starting in the movie because having two rivals work on a romcom together would mean headlines - which meant large media attention which would then mean a successful movie launch and a boost in Jungkook's career. However, staring at Jimin looking tense enough that Jungkook could lift him and the guy's body would stay in place like a piece of cardboard, was making Jungkook reconsider.

"Let's look a little less angry that we have to kiss a beautiful man on camera, yea? Again." The Director said, waving his hand and the interns ran back up their latter with a new handful of false snow while the boom mic men readjusted the large sound system sticks hanging above the two actors. The cameramen's green lights turned on and again Jungkook waited for the scripted cue of Jimin's eyes warming with wonder before leaning in to kiss him.

Jimin's eyes were cold. And Jungkook was losing his shit staring into them so close. It was one thing to catch the actors glare across set but to be pressed right up against it was a whole other world of nerve wracking. Jungkook could physically feel his heart ramming against his ribs and he wasn't sure if that was water spilled in his pocket or sweat from his hands. Jimin slid those dark eyes of his up to Jungkook's own, daring him to even try touching him, before smiling when he knew Jungkook couldn't.

"Cut! Jimin, stop looking so stiff boy. You're supposed to be kissing the love of your life, not Dwayne The Rock Johnson."

"Why specifically The Rock?" Hoseok asked his husband and Yoongi flushed - looking around for support as if everyone was supposed to know what he had meant by it. Some intern nodded, holding a finger to his chin in thought and another let out a small delayed laugh.

Jimin lost color in his cheeks too, though Jungkook guessed it was from watching the crew grow agitated around them and not Yoongi's fascination with the best rapper in America. Jungkook poked his tongue into his cheek at the concern flashing across his co-stars eyes as he watched the mic man's arm grow tired - and the regret for giving them a hard time.

"Guys, we should have gotten this ages ago. I've had enough. Jimin say something nice about Jungkook to Jungkook." Yoongi said, readjusting in his chair and pointing at Jungkook with his palm, pencil balanced between his fingers like a kindergarten teacher.


"We don't have all day. Come on, you boys have already wasted enough time."

Jimin looked back to Jungkook and pursed his lips. Jungkook could physically see a tiny version of Jimin searching through stacks of paper in his mind for any compliment he could possibly throw to the boy who broke his Most Outstanding Performance streak. Jungkook poked his cheek again with his tongue, this time a little more forcefully. Jimin really needed a second to come up with anything nice to say.

"I like your ... hair."

"Something real, Jimin." The Director added.

"I like ... how you dress yourself."

"Thanks, I think I look sexy too." Jungkook said, waiting for Jimin to laugh.

He just looked confused.

"Okay Jungkook, your turn. Something real."

Yoongi waved his hand to the camera director to start rolling to prep for another take.

Jungkook bit his bottom lip, reaching for the first thing that came to his mind: I love your acting skills and how you can make a character come to life so effortlessly. But he ignored it, not wanting to come across like some fanboy. Should I say I like his hair too? I mean, it does look really soft. Maybe I should ask for what conditioner he uses.

Jungkook sighed, leaning back slightly. Instead of going for something superficial or too on the nose, he decided not to think about his compliment at all and just say something he actually meant. He was tired of playing rivals anyway.

"Alright. I like how you take care of the crew between takes. Asking if they've eaten or bringing them water. It's - I mean it's a kindness that's really heartwarming to see from a star so big."

Jimin opened his lips to speak, but no words left him. He just blinked, dumbfounded. Jungkook watched the ice cracking, finally, as Jimin's frame loosened and color flooded his cheeks. Jungkook guessed Jimin didn't think anyone noticed that he did all of that for the crew. Confused, his eyes widened and he stared at Jungkook's face like he was trying to piece together a puzzle in his mind and couldn't find the missing piece.

"Now!" Yoongi yelled and Jungkook took advatage of Jimin's sudden surprise, putting a hand around his lower back and stepping to close the space between them. Small flakes of fake snow started to coat the ground around them, catching onto Jimin's dark hair and against his rosy cheeks. Jungkook wasn't sure, but the blush seemed deeper than just his makeup.

Now or never, Jungkook thought, leaning to press his lips against Jimin's own and was surprised when Jimin finally allowed himself to melt into it. He felt the mitten of his co-star's hand come up to his neck, pressing against it. Jimin shifted on his toes to better reach Jungkook. His eyes were closed and Jungkook felt the tension leave his chest - that wire that tightened with each failed take of the day finally gone.

"Cut! Cut! Jesus, you guys we ran out of snow! Kids, Jesus Christ." Yoongi said and Jungkook finally snapped out of his daze. He stumped backward, seeing the director standing and waving his hands, script flopping through the air. Hoseok was next to him, a hand on his husband's forearm before flashing Jungkook a slightly concerned glance.

"You say 'kiss!' and they don't then you say 'try again!' And they don't stop." Yoongi muttered to which Hoseok soothed a reply.

"Um-" Jungkook turned to face Jimin, blushing.

"We got the shot." Jimin answered quickly, the warmth leaving his eyes as it always did when the actor stepped out of his role. Well, only when it came to Jungkook. He hadn't lied about Jimin's kindness, Jimin stayed hours after shooting to help clean the set and noticed when anyone in the crew was starting to get fatiguied. He knew everyone working on the movie by name. It was just towards him that his eyes turned so cold.

"Jimin, look." Jungkook started, not sure what he wanted to say. He wasn't going to apolgize for winning awards over Jimin. Despite his insecurities, he had worked for those. But, well, it wouldn't hurt to try and at least be friends. He'd crack the ice a bit, Jungkook saw it in Jimin's softened face, friendship was possible. If Jimin could just pull the stick out of his ass.

Jimin's phone rang and his whole face fell as he looked down at the contact bright on his screen. Jungkook frowned - was Jimin shaking? "I - I'm so sorry, I have to take this. Good work today Jungkook." He added before grabbing his coat from his manager. "Tae. You're in LA?" Jimin said into the phone, waving apologetically at Jungkook then Yoongi. Even his steps seemed off.

Jungkook stood, dumbfounded as he watched Jimin leave. Did Jimin just use my name? And was that a free compliment?

Have a great holiday season you guys!!!
I like surprising yall with updates.
It's the little things 🤚

~ Vio

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