Episode One

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Jeon Jungkook held Park Jimin's cold hand in his own. He was kneeling, staring up at the crying boy in front of him. Jimin still had flour stuck to his face and powdering his hair - he'd practiced the same cake over and over again, destroying Jungkook's kitchen, and each time the result was worse than the last.

"It's $50,000 on the line." Jimin said, sniffling as those bright copper eyes looked up into Jungkook's own. Something in Jungkook's chest tightened at the look, the hopelessness in it and yet the warmth it carried for Jungkook mixed together effortlessly.

Jungkook gave Jimin's hand another squeeze. How's Jimin so good at this? Jungkook thought, trying to school his emotions to reflect an honest confidence. "You're not alone in this." Jungkook said. "The national baking competition's important to you, so it's important to me. Let's try one more time, okay, but this time I'll work on it with you. We'll get it right, together."

Shit, did that sound believable? I feel like I laid it on too thick.

Jimin's eyes softened and Jungkook had to keep his frustration from showing in his eyes. How does Jimin do that so easily? Even Jimin's slight flicker of self-doubt to longing felt so palpable even Jungkook's heart reacted to it, speeding in his chest.

"You're right." Jimin said, his ability to add such strength into his voice when speaking so soft caused Jungkook's head to spin. "We can do this." He said before blushing when Jungkook gave his hand a squeeze. Jimin then glanced away before standing up, patting away at the flour on his apron. He stood a little straighter, giving Jungkook a determined nod, and walked inside the prop door.

"And cut!" Min Yoongi, the director of Jungkook and Jimin's joint feature film A Sprinkle of Love, boomed. Suddenly the entire set of a prop yellow door and painted stone steps sprung to life as interns started to run asking if the mic people needed a break, the sound engineer walking over to Director Min to ask about a wire issue, and Jung Hoseok, Jungkook's manager and agent, aimed straight for him.

"You're getting better!" Hoseok said as he handed Jungkook a cup of semi-warm coffee. He'd asked Hoseok to hold it for him, hoping that the scene wouldn't take too long to film, but they kept having to restart because Jungkook was messing up his lines. Not the words specifically, but the feeling. He could still hear the Director's voice in his head going I want you to feel Jungkook. Feel the line. Come on, one more time!

"He's pushing you because you're new." Hoseok said, sipping his own cold coffee and hiding a bitter face from the temperature difference. Looks like even his own manager was too nervous to drink his coffee during the shoot. "You only broke into the industry a year ago, Jungkook. Plus, this is the first time you've ever tackled a romance movie. Yoongi's trying to help you in his own way. Trust me, I think I know my husband."

Jungkook sighed, refraining from messing up the hair his stylist worked so hard to place in just the right spot, but his hand itched to run through it. He turned, looking over to Park Jimin, the Park Jimin, biggest name in the industry of the past five years, Emmy nominated and consecutive Most Outstanding Actor awarded for four years, was going around asking the crew if they needed fresh coffee or water. Always he was running around after a shoot asking where he could help, what more he could do.

Jungkook looked back to his manager who's supporting smile stretched across his face, shining so bright Jungkook was worried he'd have to squint to look straight at him. Hoseok was his manager, yes, but also his friend and the first real person to believe in him.

"I'm starting to think I didn't deserve to break Jimin's Most Outstanding award streak last year." Jungkook admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. Hoseok's smile didn't falter, he simply laughed and clapped Jungkook on the shoulder a little more sternly than he needed to.

"Thoughts like that will bury you, Jungkook."

"I know."

"Believe in your own talent, Kookie. It got you here, to LA, to work on a Netflix holiday major movie! You got specifically cast for this role, they didn't even audition anyone else, to work with Jimin not because you're somehow worse than him but because you guys are equal and have unique things to bring. Besides, if anything, you can learn something from him. Maybe even ask for some tips."

"Ask Jimin?" Jungkook's brows shot up. He could physically feel the glare Jimin was drilling into his back. "Hobi, he hates me. That's sort of the whole premise of the 'rivals' thing."

Hoseok shrugged, not exactly pushing back on the statement. Jimin never went out of his way to come talk to Jungkook between scenes or interact with him further than the script called for. The media played up their 'rivalry' all the time, but Jungkook wished Jimin didn't lean so heavily into the whole thing. He heard a rumor that Jimin hadn't even known Jungkook would be his co-star when he accepted the A Sprinkle of Love role.

A small alarm ringed across the set and the crew started to migrate over to the next scene built to resemble a small city garden in the winter. Jungkook watched as Jimin split off from handing out waters to the crew and walked onto set. A makeup artist touched up his full lips and Jungkook was forced to walk his way over next to the super star.

"Alright everyone," The director boomed, "let's film the kiss scene in one take, yea?"

Did you guys like my ads? Bwhah those were so fun to make. No worries, I have a good bunch well stocked to release again at some point.

Hope you're intrigued by this new fic! It's meant to be a fun break from anything heavy you're reading or watching before the absolute blood bath that will be getting bts tickets once they inevitably drop


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