twenty seven

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"I can't believe you are here" Michelle said gripping me tight as we all met up at our usual spot when I lived here
"It's crazy" I replied into the hug with Daniel
"guys this is James, James this is Michelle and Daniel" I said introducing them all. Michelle and Daniel instantly smirked making me internally groan
"It's James" Daniel said smirking to Michelle
"The James" Michelle confirmed making me instantly regret my decision
"You know, Riley told me not to believe a thing that came out of your mouths. But I'm intrigued" James said making me glare at him
"You know I'll call Piper" I warned him
"And what is she going to do? Tell me off?" He smirked making me roll my eyes 

Daniel, Michelle and James all seemed to hit it off to well, we'd gotten off of the topic of James and were now talking about random things
"Do you think you'll still be back for the summer convention?" Daniel asked and I nodded
"I wouldn't miss that for the world" I smiled
"Summer convention" James asked and I nodded
"Riley, Daniel and I teach kids to dance through the summer. It's something our old dance teacher started and we just got ourselves mixed up in it" Michelle said
"Sounds pretty cool" James smiled

"you should come!" Daniel said and I looked at James, I mean.. he didn't have to but I wouldn't complain if he did
"do you dance?" Michelle asked and I smiled
"I dabble" James replied making the pair smile
"Dabble?" I asked
"Dabble" He replied
"He knows how to slow dance and salsa" I replied to Daniel and Michelle who smirked
"Dare we ask how you know this?" Michelle asked making me shot daggers at her
Michelle held her hands up in surrender making all of us laugh
I truly missed these guys more then they'll ever know and a huge part of me is glad they get along with James. I don't know what would have happened if they didn't

"When do you guys leave?" Michelle asked as we started to walk back to the car
"Sunday midday" James said as I looked at him for the answer
"We can try and see you before you leave if you like" Daniel offered and I smiled
"I'd love that" I replied hugging the pair of them before saying our goodbyes

I didn't even realise how long we had been with them, we got to them at 10am and it's now 6pm. That just goes to show that good company can make time go by fast

"Where to next?" James asked and I smiled shrugging
"I don't mind at all" I replied
"Well you are going to have to give me a little more then that Ri, I have no idea where I even am" James laughed reminding me that this was all new to him
"I know just the place" I smiled
It was a place that my dad would take me every time I had a problem, every time I was sad. Every time something was bothering me.. This was the place

"What is this place?" James asked as we pulled up at the forest. I smiled at him 
"You showed me Bitterman's Lake, Welcome to Melborough's Forest" I said quickly get out of the car followed by James
"A special place?" he asked and I nodded
"this was my go to spot whenever I had a problem" I said making James smile
"That's what I used Bitterman's Lake for" James replied making me smile at him once  again
It was nice to know that he shared something as special as that with me
Gave me a sliver of hope..

James and I had been walking through the forest for a good hour or so, the sun had started setting and we were coming up to the big cliff edge. The best part of the forest at this time of night
"Woah" James breathed out as I took a seat on the edge letting my feet dangle, James was still standing taking in the view
To me this view hasn't change a single bit but I could never truly get over how beautiful this place was
"I can see why this was your place" James chuckled taking a seat next to me
"How are you feeling now?" James asked making me look over at him
"Thank you" I answered making him furrow his brows with a small smile
"I don't even want to know what I would be doing right now if we weren't here" I said placing my hand on top of his

James looked down at our hands for a second before turning his over so he could hold it. I smiled before noticing he was smiling too 
"I think if I had climbed up your window, right now you'd probably be binge watched Netflix while sitting in your bed eating popcorn" James said making me scoff before laughing with him
"Wait no no, I take it back!" He said 
"okay?" I asked
"You'd be eating banana chips!" He said making me laugh again
"Probably" I replied before looking down at our hands that were still holding each other
"I would probably be babysitting, so thankyou" He smiled
"You're welcome" I chuckled 
Today is the most I've smile since they started arguing and it's crazy to think he is the person who has managed to make me smile

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