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"I know tell me about it, you'll be able to come and visit though right?" I asked Michelle through the phone. It was the first time we've really had to talk with some distance. We were usually inseparable
"Oh of course, I've already bought tickets for the 3 day weekend soon!" She sung giving me that glimmer of hope that this would work. What was a few hundred of miles when it comes to us
"I can't believe we won't be graduating together, going to prom together" I said and she sighed the same time I did
"Hey at least we can try get into the same college or ones practically next door" She said and I smiled sitting on my window seat looking out 
"Yeah very true but can we like rent a place, I don't think College dorms are really our thing" I said making her laugh
"Oh for sure!" She giggled, I continued to look out my window before noticing some movement in James' garden
"How is everything there? Is it a nice area?" Michelle asked and I hummed in response still engaged with the movement
As the movement got more noticable I realised it was James either sneaking out or sneaking in
He looked up at my window before noticing me and winking
"Riley!" Michelle yelled making me jump to the point I fell off of the window seat falling face first onto the floor
"OW!" I yelled at her earning nothing but laughter 


School the next day didn't really seem like a big deal to me. It was just another set of four walls that at the end of the day would do nothing more then provide an education. I try my best to steer clear of the drama
"Hey neighbour" James said leaning against my locker, I instantly rolled my eyes before choosing to ignore him
"Look, I know you saw me last night" He said closing my locker making me look at him
"How about we keep that between us?" He asked and I rolled my eyes
"Sorry I've already told the entire school" I replied trying to walk away but of course like a lost puppy, he followed

"your playing with fire Riley" He warned and I chuckled
"well could thing your as cold as ice, you can easily put that out" I said before heading into the ladies room.
Most boys would take that as a sign to leave but James. James did not he followed me in
"Dude! Do i need to get a restraining order!" I yelled seeing his reflection in the mirror
"Ew you can't be in here!"  A girl yelled seeing James as she walked in
"Get out of here Margaret" James yelled making me roll my eyes yet again at him

"James, I couldn't give a fuck about you sneaking out last night. I don't need to tell anyone because like I said. I don't care" I replied making him lean forward slightly
"You know, you shouldn't be up so late. A prim and proper girl like you mum wants to raise should be in bed long before midnight" He smirked. I leant forward too so I was millimeters away from his face
"You sneak out at night, I stay up late. Guess neither of us are what our parents think we are" I said watching as his gaze shifted from my eyes to my lips back to my eyes
I shook my head moving away turning as I walked out of the girls room

It took a moment until he was bothering me again, guess he had to get over a little bit of shock
"It's taking you this long to come out with a comeback?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him
"Guess you aren't the smartass I had you pegged as" I smirked opening to door to my chem class closing it behind me hoping to the high heavens he was not in this class

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