forty five

107 2 11


"Yes" Was all I needed to say for the judge to offer me a warm smile 
"Okay we'll start off simple. If you had the choice, who you would you want to stay with and why?" The judge asked, I looked at mum before turning to dad who looked down at me with a smile
"My dad" I said before looking at the judge
"My dad has never failed me, whenever I need he's there. He's always been that shoulder I can cry one, that one person I could turn to about everything. He's my best friend" I smiled making the judge smile

"what about your mother?" the judge asked
"My mum, she's never really been there 100%. Mum and I have always butted heads, we are too opposite to cope most of the time and it's always dad who manages to calm down the fire" I said making Mum roll her eyes

"Sorry do you not agree?" I asked turning to her, the judge didn't say anything so I think he was intrigued by her answer too
"No Riley, I do not agree. I've been there with you through everything. Your father was always working" She said and I scoffed
"Do you want to go down that route?" I asked and she nodded
"What age did I start dancing?" I asked and Mum fiddled with her fingers
"5. I put you in a ballet class" She said 
"Wrong" I replied

"She started dancing at the age of 4, her grandma put her into a class" Dad said making me smile
"What does that prove?" She asked
"That no matter how much you lie here mum. You don't know your own daughter" I said and she scoffed this time

"I do know you Riley, I know you like I know myself" She said looking at me
"Go on then, tell everyone about me" I said raising my eye brow
"Her name is Riley Lynn Raymond. She was born on the 24th of February. From a young age she started to excel in anything she put her mind to and that continues to this day. We used to spend day in and day out learning new things together reading stories. I don't want to lose that" Mum said not once making eye contact with me 

"And Mr Raymond?" The judge asked. It was Dad's time to shine

"Riley is the kindest most hardworking girl you'll ever meet. She's never once done anything wrong, that we know of anyway" he chuckled
"She found a passion for dance at a young age and I think growing up with that has given her the determination and will power she needs to smash life" He said smiling looking at me 
"She's my little girl and I don't ever want that to change" He continued 

"From the moment Riley came into this world, I've done nothing but try my best to be there for her. Whether that be planned days out we had or moments where her mother wouldn't be able to follow through with what she has promised her" Dad said
"I was there to make sure Riley knew she was loved, she was wanted, she was safe" Dad continued before turning to the judge

"I won't lie to your sir, when I found out about Gale cheating, I did work a lot more then I probably should have but in all honesty. I didn't want Riley to see me struggle. I needed to be strong for her but she soon made me realise that we are stronger if we tackle this together" Dad continued making me smile

"When Riley went away for the week, I knew she was safe, I knew she would be happy. Those people are practically family to us now a days. She was never in any danger. Her boyfriend James is a brilliant guy who I would trust with my own life" He said
"And his parents were there to. They are both fully aware of what has happened between Gale and I. They go out of their way too just to make sure Riley has a smile on her face" He said holding my hand again

"If you take Riley away from me, you take her away from everyone else too. If you let this woman win, she takes Riley away from the whole life she has built herself" Dad finished

"Is there anything else you'd like to say Riley?" The judge asked and I nodded before turning to my mum 

"I don't know what you thought you be able to accomplish by doing this. I don't know what part of your head made you think that this was okay but there is one thing I do know" I said making her look at me 
"You aren't my mother, you haven't been from the moment you started cheating. You made this mess and you can't except someone else to pick up your pieces" I said before turning back to dad, I smiled up at him as he wrapped an arm around me 


"I think that's everything?" The judge asked making everyone nod 
He sighed looking out at all of us
"From what I can see, the choice is obvious. Riley said it herself" the judge said

"Mr Raymond, you have full custody of Riley, if there so happens to be a time where Ms Raymond would like to see Riley, it is to be run through you and Riley. I don't expect that will happen anytime soon" The judge said making Dad and I smile 

"Ms Raymond, the way I see it is as such, you had the opportunity to be a part of your daughters life, she is thriving and none of that falls on your shoulders. You may have lived with her for the last 17 years but from everything that has been spoken today. It shows that you were never truly invested in your daughter. That is a shame that only you have to live with" He said before turning to look at me

"Riley, you are a strong girl, not a lot of kids can stand up here and chose between their parents. I don't doubt that this was hard but you should really be proud of the head and sits on your shoulders. It's clear you are surrounded by people you love and that is all that should matter at your age" he said before dismissing us all

I briefly glanced at my mum who had tears in her eyes before trying to reach out to me. I don't know why but I wanted to say goodbye but I knew if I had then it would have just made this worse and harder 
So instead, I walked out of the doors leaving her behind.. 

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