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I managed to sneak out to school the following morning without to attention of James. Safe to say the last couple of days here, he's been very back and forth. 
"Hey" A voice said coming to my locker that morning. I won't lie, I had expected it to be James but I was pleasantly surprised
"Riley right?" The girl asked and I nodded closing my locker
"My name is Thalia, I think your my partner in Chem now" She smiled making me smile back
"It's lovely to meet you" I said before glancing behind me after feeling the pressure of someone pushing past me
One guess on who it was..

"God, I wouldn't get involved there if I were you" Thalia warned as I pressed my books close to my chest, I chuckled in her direction
"Trust me, I won't be" I said as the pair of us started walking. James' gaze continued to linger with his usual smirk only making my roll my eyes further 


It was later that day and instead of heading home I headed elsewhere, I knew for a fact Dad wouldn't be home straight away and hell knows where my mum keeps disappearing too
"Hey there neighbour" James smirked placing his hand on the table in front of me
Trust James to be in the one coffee shop I found myself in
"What do you want" I asked leaning back in my chair looking up at him
"Well I see you here all alone, just thought I could keep you company" He smirked turning a chair around and sitting on it backwards
"You know as brilliant as that offer sounds. I'm going to have to give a solid pass" I replied making him place his hand on his heart
"That hurt Riley" He chuckled before noticing his friends walking in
"This has been fun and all but" He started and I rolled my eyes
"bye bye now" I said happily waving as he winked heading over to his friends

 I put my head down finishing the only work I had to do before heading home, something I'm sure James hasn't done a day of in his life
"Oh look, it's my favourite neighbour again" James smirked leaning against his car as I walked down the path towards my house
"Oh look it's another teenage boy who's so obsessed with his car that he's probably over compensating" I smirked playing my book on my hip standing still
"Why don't you take a look then make that judgement" He asked stepping closer
"I don't think I have a microscope with enough clarity for that" I said making him chuckle
"I meant the car" He said motioning to the big blue pick up behind him
"Now why would I give a crap about a car?" I asked stepping forward
"So you don't care about the car but you care about my dick?" He asked and I rolled my eyes
"Keep dreaming James" I said attempting to walk away

The second my back was to James he grabbed my arm pulling me back to him making me crash into his chest
"Every damn night" He whispered, I looked up at him to see him signature smirk on his face
"Maybe you should seen someone about that" I whispered back snapping my arm out of his grip heading across the road to my house
I looked back over my shoulder once more to see James chuckled throwing his oil rag up in the air catching it before glancing back at me
He gave me another wink making he shake my head finally closing the door 

"Hey honey!" Dad called as soon as he heard the door close
"Hey" I smiled heading over to him
"Did I hear you talking to James?" He asked and I nodded
"Yeah just about some school work" I lied. I didn't need my dad thinking anything out of nothing 
"How is school going?" He asked. I'd been there a week at let's just say, it's more laid back then i'm used to
"It's alright" I said making him smile
Dad didn't want this move either but the second mum caught wind of his possible promotion, we knew it was out of our hands. She had sealed out fate

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