thirty three

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From the moment we got into the car, neither of us had stopped smiling and I don't know why. This all feels so surreal
We went from strangers to acquaintances back to strangers then to friends then back to strangers and now here we are
"Are you ready?" James asked as we pulled up into a carpark of a restaurant
"I've never been more ready" I smiled getting out of the car
James took my hands pretty instantly, he held it close making sure to intertwine our fingers. It was something that sent me heart into flutters 

"Table for 2" James said to the hostess at the entrance, she smiled and nodded directing us over to a table over by the window. It overlooked the gardens outside, this place was huge and pretty posh for James and I
"My name is Valerie! I'll be your waitress tonight, can I get you started on some drinks?" she asked we both nodded
"I'll have a lemonade" I smiled and James nodded
"Make that two please" He replied making Valerie nod walking away writing the small order on her paper 
I looked over at James who was still smiling, it was a type of smile I hadn't seen him have yet. That's good though, I think anyway?

Sometimes in life, you meet someone and you just click and I truly believe that may have been the case for James and I. From the day I met him I knew he wasn't just going to be a extra in my story. He was too cocky, he knew he was a main character.

"See usually on first dates your meant to get to know the date, but I'm pretty certain we know each other pretty well you know" James chuckled and I nodded
"We did this all a little backwards" I replied with a smile
"I wouldn't have had it any other way" He replied tapping our glasses together before taking a sip
"This may be our first official date but this isn't the first real date" James said placing his glass back on the table
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Bitterman's Lake, Melbourne Forest. Those were unofficial dates, I mean that is when we truly got to know each other anyway" He said making me smile, I would be more then happy to class them as dates too
"You make a valid point" I smiled
"Those were amazing dates, especially when I won the mud fight and I beat you back to the car at the forest" I smiled making him chuckle
"Or did I let you win" He offered and I shook my head
"No way, you aren't taking my victory from me" I replied making him laugh 


Dinner went well, by that I mean most of the time we had to take break from talking to remember to eat before food went cold
Overall, I was having the best time. It was all I could have asked for and more
"It's not over yet" James said smiling at me
"What?" I asked and he smirked at me getting up from his seat taking my hand as soon as he was close enough
 I rose to my feet as he guided us out into the garden of the restaurant 
"Piper gave me some advice before I came out you know" He chuckled as we walked through the garden
"what was that?" I asked and he smiled in my direction
"To make this memorable" He said making me smile this time
Trust James to be getting advice from his little sister 

"Are you ready to risk it all?" James asked making me furrow my brows at him
"What do you mean?" I asked as we stood in the middle the garden surrounded by the most beautiful flowers
"You've always been taught to not let anyone in, not let anyone have the potential to hurt you. You like all of us are scared of love. Are you prepared to risk it all?" He explained making me bite my lip looking up at home
"Riley?" He whispered making me smile
"I'm ready" I replied making him smile widely leaning up to kiss James.

It wasn't long until we were back at mine, James walked me all the way to the front door in true gentlemen fashion
"I hope you had a lovely evening" He said bowing as he dropped me off at the doorstep, I giggled to myself curtseying 
"I loved every single second" I said smiling back at him
"In that case" He smiled pulling me in close by the waist
"I have one final question for you Ri" He whispered, his face was so close to mine his breath brushed across my lips tickling them ever so slightly
"What's that" I asked back looking into his deep brown eyes
"Would you do the honour of being my first and hopefully last ever girlfriend" He whispered before allowing his lips to form into a smile. I smiled back at him before biting my lip
"Yes" Was all I needed to say before James had crashed his lips onto mine.

I jumped at the initial shock of it all as my back crashed into the front door, James pulled away slightly resting his forehead on mine
"No take backs" He said making me chuckle
"I wouldn't dream of it" I smiled running my hands through his hair

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