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"What the hell man!" I said gripping Hunter by the collar pushing him against a locker
"What! She fucking kissed me!" He yelled making me drop him before punching the locker heading out of this place 
As soon as I got home I can see Riley sat on the doorstep again
"You know you left your window open, you could easily climb in" I said to her making her look at me then at the window
"I'm not a spider monkey like you" She said rolling her eyes
"Look, I'll give you a leg up" I offered crossing her grass to get closer to her
"So you can look up my skirt? Yeah I think not" She said making me smirk before chuckling
"I won't look I swear" I replied taking another step closer, She shook her head getting up to step away

Before I could interject again her dad's car pulled up
"Hey honey!" He called before seeing me
"Hello James" he replied with a smile
"Afternoon" I replied nodding at him, he nodded back before walking up the steps with Riley, I took one more look at her only to see her looking at me too, her gaze slightly altered to how it usually is but at the same time. My curiosity was still peaked 


As soon as I stepped foot into school the next day, I had one place in mind. I walked through the corridors until I saw Riley at her locker, grabbing her arm dragging her with me
"What are you doing!" She protested but I continued walking anyway with her arm still firmly in her grip
"So hunter" I said as we got to the same ladies room from her first day
"Get over yourself James" She said pushing me off of her attempting to walk out
"You're playing a dangerous game Riley" I warned her and she turned back to me and smirked
"You started the game" She said crossing her arms 
"And you could be the one to end it" I said smirking stepping towards her, she looked at me with a raise eyebrow
"And let you win? I think not" She said over pronouncing the T

"Everything okay Riley?" a voice said, I pulled away from Riley slightly to see Thalia stood behind her. Trust her to be the one to interrupt us
"Yeah, everything is great" Riley said taking one last look at me before heading out the door with her friend 

I walked out moments later to head to the boys, glancing over to the opposite side of the corridor, Riley stood there with Thalia smiling and laughing away
"Yo Man" West said as I joined them all
"Have you heard the latest?" Eldon asked peeling my attention off of Riley and on to them
"Beth is asking about you" Hunter said, I smirked at them before looking back at Riley
"Interesting" I said knowing full well what my next move in this little game would be 

The rest of the day was pretty standard, nothing interesting happened. Well besides the odd look from Riley here and there but that's become out new normal 

"Piper I swear to god, If I trip over your shoes one more damn time, I'm throwing them in the fucking bin!" I yelled walking into the house after instantly tripping over them
"no wonder your sister isn't your biggest fan" I hear a familiar voice say, I turn to see Riley sat on the sofa in the living room
"Of course she isn't that spot is saved for you" I smirked heading over and standing behind the sofa looking down at her
Riley looked up at me then looked down before covering the little cleavage that was showing
"boo" I pouted making her glare
"James leave her alone" Piper said coming into the living room

"Or what Pipesqueak" I asked raising my eyebrow
"I'll tell dad" She smirked, fucking tattle
"Whatever, you girls enjoy what ever this is" I said before leaving the room. 
I had steps to put into place for my game anyway.

My NeighbourDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora