fifty six

107 2 14


I've never had this feeling in my chest, my heart was beating harder then I ever thought possible, as I opened my eyes I looked up at saw James turned around looking at me with a huge smile on his face
"I will do anything to make this work" He said taking a step forward
"Anything?" I asked and he nodded making me bit my lip
"Ri, I thought we spoke about that" He said kicking the gravel on the road but I didn't say anything else, instead I bit my lip again

"Riley" He grumbled making me smile
"James" I answered with my arms crossed against my chest 
"Don't do something you don't mean" He said with the same smirk he had on the first day I met him
"I'm not" I said biting my lip again
Before either of us could say or do anything else, James rushed over to me crashing our lips together making both of us smile 
James grabbed my legs picking me up while I wrapped my arms around his neck as we pulled apart

"No more Beth?" I asked playing with the hair on the back of his neck
"No more anyone Ri, just me and you" He whispered placing his forehead against mine


It's been a long time since I woke up to my bedroom window open, after James and I spoke for a while outside we came over to mine and of course.. James had to make an entrance through the window instead of following me in through the door
And now I'm walking to school fully aware that things are going to go back to normal again
"Hey there pretty lady, do you need a ride?" James called pulling up next to me
"James, School is 2 minutes away" i laughed and he rolled his eyes
"come on Rileyyyyy, i haven't been able to do this in over a month" he teased and I chuckled getting into the car

Walking into school moments later, James' hand in mine. It wasn't weird it was more like, normal. But the last thing I was expecting was to see Beth stood a few feet away at James' locker while the gang stood at Eldon's 
Our choice in company was obvious

"What is thissss" Giselle giggled as we approached
"They are back at it again" West said high fiving James as we got them
"Back for good?" Thalia asked raising a brow at me
"I hope so" I said making her smile 

As the day went on, one by one things returned to normality and I was happy. I couldn't have asked for anything better
"I think we need to talk" A voice said making me turn to see her in the corridor
"Hi Beth" I said making her roll her eyes
"I don't think we have anything to talk about" I said attempting to walk away

"It's happen again Riley, it's only a matter of time" She said making me turn back to her
"what are you on about" I said
"He cheated on me with you, then on you with me. How long do you think you two will last? How long until he finds some new girl?" She asked
"The moment he does, we'll both be just an old play toy, tossed aside" she continued until I started shaking my head at her
"There is one big difference between you and me Beth" I said making her chuckle looking at me smugly

"I was there when you made James cheat on me. Yeah you heard me" I spat
"I listened to you beg him for one more chat and when that didn't work. You kissed him" I continued
"What's the difference?" She asked
"You and James were never together, I didn't force James to kiss me at the lake. He did that all on his own" I said
"And I would do it again" I hear a voice said behind us

I turned to see James walking this way, he intertwined his hand into mine before we both looked at Beth
"Beth, you need to back off" James warned her
"Or what?" she asked
"Or I'll happily put you ten feet under" I muttered to myself making James chuckle
"there isn't anything you can say or do that is going to change the fact that I just don't like you like that. So if you don't mind" James started 

"Quit trying to ruin my chance at a happy relationship" he growled making me smile even more 
Goodbye Beth!

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