forty four

104 2 6


"now Riley don't be a stranger" Nana said to Riley pulling her into a tight hug, one of Nana's specialties 
"I won't" Riley smiled before Nana turned to me
"Now James, you better treat her right. You've got a good one here" She said to me making Riley blush a little
"I will don't worry Nana" I laughed kissing Riley's cheek before we both got in the car

"I told you that you had nothing to worry about didn't I?" I said to Riley as we drove
She looked over at me and chuckled
"You always have an answer don't you" She teased with a smirk. I intertwined our hands
"Always" I said kissing the back of her hand 


Monday soon came and it confirmed the feeling that last week went far to quickly. With it being Monday, I knew that Harry would be driving Ri to school
It's the one day a week he doesn't start till 9:30 so they tend to go together. I think they'll be that more often then not from now on

"Hey mannn" West called as I walked into the corridor
"Hey" I said doing my usual greeting with everyone. I glanced at Eldon and smirked before looking at Thalia. He shook her head making me instantly roll my eyes
What is it going to take to get him to screw that brain in to high gear
"Where is Riley?" Giselle asked and I shrugged
"Her dad tends to bring her on Monday" I reminded them

"Are you sure you remembered to bring her home?" West asked making me shoot him a look
"Yes West, i remembered to bring my girlfriend home" I confirmed making him nod as if what he had just heard was an accomplishment 
"Maybe she's just running a little late?" Eldon offered and I shrugged
"I guess so" I replied looking back at the double doors I hadn't long walked through 



"Are you sure you want to do this?" Dad asked as we sat in the waiting room. The hearing was meant to be later on in the week but after Mum caught wind of me making an appearance she tried to move it so I couldn't..
Little did she know I would drop anything to be here
"Yes" I replied offering dad a smile, he sighed nodding holding my hand 

I looked up at the sound of heels clicking, sure enough. There mum stood dressed in her smartest pantsuit
"Case regarding Custody of Riley Lynn Raymond" Someone called making Dad and I rise to our feet.
We walk passed Mum without saying a single word 
She is the last person I would want to speak to right now
I'm here for Dad and only Dad

"Alright, thank you all for joining us today. We are here to discuss the custody of 17 year old Riley. Gale, the child's mother claims that her father Harry Raymond is a risk to Miss Raymond" the judge started making my grip on dad's hand tighten
"That's correct your honour" Mum said making me shake my head towards her
"And I take it Mr Raymond. You disagree?" The judge asked looking at my dad before flashing me a sympathetic smile
"Yes" Dad answered 
"Okay. Ms Raymond, on what grounds is he a risk?" The judge asked

Mum started ruffling through some paper before handing it to the runner to hand to the judge
"All of those dates are times Harry has either forgotten to pick up Riley or Riley has missed an appointment due to his poor sense of time. Not to mention he sent her away with a bunch of strangers this past week" Mum rambled and I raised my eye brows at him
"Is this true Mr Raymond?" The judge asked and I shook my head 

"Riley went away with her boyfriend and his family this past week. They are very close friends of all of us including Gale. And those dates are usually when Gale has had something come up last minute and dropped it on me" He explained making the judge nod looking through the paperwork
"Is that everything Ms Raymond?" The judge asked
"He also has a work problem. He is constantly there, since the split, I've been to that house multiple times and he is never there and Riley is rarely there either" She said making me roll my eyes

"I was there" I said making her look at me
"What?" she asked
"I was there, I just didn't want to see you" I replied before breaking eye contact and looking towards the judge
"Riley, what I'm about to ask you to do. Isn't going to be easy but I need to know. Are you ready?" The judge asked, I took a deep breath in before nodding
I was ready for this to be over with that is for sure 

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