On the contrary, Savannah moved around Pierce so that she was now behind him, her arm moved up slightly putting the knife dangerously close to Pierce's neck.

Pierce closed his eyes, ready for the quick death but Savannah put the knife back down.

She was teasing him.

"Savannah we can take him in, lock him up, keep him for questioning, but let's go home please" Natasha continued.


But she was already home wasn't she?

Hydra, that was home.

No, it wasn't, she knew it wasn't.

"I don't want him questioned, I want him dead," Savannah said slowly after a moment of silence.

"Princess" Pierce started breathlessly, "you can't kill me, I raised you- I made you, you owe me," he said in wavering confidence.

Savannah's head tilted to the side before she sent a punch right at his face.

Pierce fell back, Savannah felt he was overreacting since she had been holding back on that punch.

"I. Owe. You. Nothing." Savannah said calmly.

"Look around you Princess, look at this mess. You're not a good person, you're Hydra, you're a monster just like the rest of us." Pierce spat at her once he'd gotten back on his knees.

"So we're both going to hell, I guess I'll see you there," she said.

Savannah moved to punch him again but Pierce put his hands up and quickly started talking.

"I have something you want, something you need, otherwise you'll die" he rushed.

Savannah rolled her eyes, this was obviously an attempt to save his own ass.

"You don't want her to die, do you? Because she will" Pierce said, now directed at Bucky and Natasha.

They both glanced at each other before turning back to Savannah.

She shook her head, "He's lying" she said simply.

Pierce made a face, "Am I? Don't you remember?"


Pierce took a syringe out of his briefcase and grabbed her arm. She didn't push him away, not that she could anyway, she was under his control.

He stuck the end of the syringe into her forearm and injected the contents into her body.

"-This is my insurance policy, just to make sure you come back to me."

Savannah pulled her hand away and sat down in the pilot seat, turning on the jet and setting her coordinates.

"And Princess?"

Savannah turned back to him as he was about to exit the jet.

"Don't get caught,"

End of Flashback.

Savannah shook herself out of the memory.

His insurance policy...

Knowing Pierce it was most likely some form of slow-acting poison or something like that.

He had the antidote.

She'd most likely die without it.

Pierce would probably want to bargain his life in exchange for the antidote but then end up giving her the wrong one or something so she'd die anyway.

Savannah wasn't falling for it.

If she was going to die, he was going to die first.

"Then I guess we'll be meeting in hell sooner than expected," Savannah said with a small smirk on her face.

"Savannah, what's he talking about?" asked Nat.

Oh right.

For a moment Savannah had forgotten that they were there.

She turned to face them, couldn't think of anything to say, then turned back to Pierce and ignored her question.

"I'll give you the antidote, under one condition," Pierce said.

Savannah rolled her eyes.

How could she have guessed...

"You let me leave Russia alive."

Leave Russia?

Savannah considered, taking a step forward.

Then she brought her hand up and slapped him, hard.

Savannah heard something that sounded like a "damn" coming from Tony but she ignored it.

There was not a chance in hell she was about to let Pierce even talk out of this room breathing.

No way in hell.

"Savannah what's he talking about? What do you need an antidote for?" asked Bucky.

Before Savannah could respond, Pierce had opened his mouth again, "she didn't tell you?" He sounded amused.

Bucky glanced at Savannah which was the exact answer Pierce had been looking for.

"Well you might want to convince your daughter to keep me around, or you're not gonna see her around much longer." He grinned, Savannah slapped him again.

"Savannah what's he talking about?!" asked Natasha, her voice slightly louder now.

Savannah sighed, and grabbed onto a handful of Pierce's hair, not that he had much of it, and pulled it back.

She brought the knife up to his exposed neck and began pressing down.

"Don't worry about it" she responded simply as blood began dripping down from where the knife met Pierce's throat.

"Really Princess? I think they should worry about it." Pierce said in a slightly out-of-breath voice.

Savannah ignored him and moved the knife away from his neck but never released her hold on his head.

"This is for ruining my life" she stabbed the knife into the right side of his chest.

Pierce began gasping for breath as warm blood spilled onto her already blood-soaked hands.

"This is for the other champions" this time she stabbed the knife into the left side of his chest.

"Savannah wait-" Natasha ran forward.

"And this is for trying to control me." Finally, Savannah stabbed the knife into the side of Pierce's neck, not in the way that killed him instantly, no, Savannah wanted him to suffer for a bit before he inevitably bled out.

Savannah let go of her hold on him and he crumbled to the ground, gasping for air.

Nat crouched down and examined his wounds, they were precise, in places where death would be inevitable but not immediate.

The placing of these wounds was intentional.

Nat gleaned up at her daughter who'd dropped the knife and taken a step back, watching Pierce closely.

"Should we call for a medic?" asked Steve.

"Don't bother" said Savannah as she tore her eyes away from Pierce's dying body and pushed past the Avengers at the door.

"He'll be dead any second now." 

Little Princess  (An Avengers/ P.M. fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu