Mya rolled her eyes. "Here's your coffee, I'll be in there." She went and sat on the couch while exhaling. Mya could feel that this was going to be stressful.

Eventually Chris and Dr. Thompson made their way into the family room and sat down.

"You guys ready?" Dr. Thompson asked.

They both nodded.

"Okay, so a couple weeks ago I spoke with you both about your marriage and to see if you're willing to work on thing with my guidance and you both agreed to give your all, I'm hoping that's still the same. I chose to have the first meeting in your home where you're comfortable because this is normally when the worst of the worst comes out. You two are still high off emotions from everything that has occurred and my goal today is to get through that first layer. I'm kind of nervous to say this but nothing is off limits. If you two are never completely honest with each other you'll never get better. This meeting will also determine a lot and help you two figure things out when it comes to what is the next step with your marriage. So first thing, Chris why is saving your marriage important to you?"

"Because despite everything, I love Mya. I didn't marry her for nothing and I don't want our time to go to waste." He answered.


"I love him, I'm in love with him. I can't imagine my life with anyone else but Chris. We gotta make this work. Not only for our sake but our children as well."

Dr. Thompson nodded. "Alright...well Chris, the roles have been switched. Your wife was unfaithful to you and your feeling towards that have been everywhere as you said. Can you tell Mya, how you really feel about everything?"

Sighing, Chris sat his plate on the table then he sat back and picked at his beard. "My feelings about this situation have been difficult to understand because there are so many things that I am feeling. Mainly I'm hurt, that's obvious. Even though I know Mya goal wasn't to do what she did, it still hurts. They say a man can dish it but they can't take it and that is the absolute truth. I've done worse and yeah she was mad but we got past it but me I'm ready to just end it all and I think what makes it worse for me is because this happened publicly in a middle of a club in front of hundreds of people. So that's me facing the humiliation. I'm disappointed because it's the last thing that I expected from her. Mya and I have had conversations before about how territorial I am of her. I feel she thought everything wouldn't be as bad because she kissed another woman but it ain't okay. We're married we don't do reckless shit. We both know better drunk or not."

Mya felt some type of about the whole 'we're married, we don't do reckless shit' thing. Because even though he hasn't been unfaithful during their marriage he has had his share of recklessness.

"How do you feel about what he said Mya?"

"Um, his feelings about what happened is completely understandable and I can't ever tell him that's not how he should feel. My only issue is we're not going to pretend like I'm the only one whose ever been reckless in this marriage." She answered and that caused Chris to sit up and look over at her.

"You're speaking in regards to Chris's substance abuse, aren't you?"

"Yes. He has publicly embarrassed me multiple times. All of his fans saw him snorting cocaine off of a woman's stomach. Let's not have amnesia today because you want me to be the only bad guy."

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