Day 15

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"Soonyoung, we need to go to the store today cause we have no groceries here at all."

Soonyoung nodded, walking towards the front door full of enthusiasm. "Am just waiting for you, Seok! What's taking you so long!?"

"I'm going!" I shouted back, walking over him quickly. "Sorry, sorry... I'm here."

"Finally," Soonyoung smirked a little. "What you took so long? Did you try to hide a gift for me?"

I smirked. "No? Should I?"

He stopped for a moment and raised his eyebrow. "Yeah? Christmas is coming! Please, don't tell me you don't have any gift!?"

"Of course, I do." I laughed walking out of the house along with Soonyoung and locking the door.

We went together to the groceries store. When we got there, I noticed two people standing in front of the store.

"Take the money and go inside."

"What's going on, Seok?" he asked worriedly.

"Nothing, just go inside." Soonyoung nodded and did what I said to him before. I frowned and looked at the two guys. They also noticed me and smirked.

"That was your Soonyoung? Has he finally returned home? I really didn't expect it at all." The one laughed.

"Shut up!" I shouted at him. He stopped laughing and grinned. "You two make such an adorable couple."

"I said shut up your fucking mouth!"

They both started laughing. I groaned, clenching my fists. They laughed louder than before.

"You're so cute when you're angry. You should show this part of your personality in front of Soonyoung, you really should! Since he only knows the cute and friendly part of your personality. You don't know him and he doesn't know you at all! You two are just random strangers who fell in love with each other.

"Shut up!" I yelled at him. However, in deep my soul I knew he was right. We knew nothing about each other. One day, we just met and fell in love...

They still laughed at me, but I didn't feel anger at all. I felt just sad. They had a right to laugh at me. They've loved each other and they've known each other very well, instead of me and Soonyoung.

After a while, they stopped laughing. Then one of them came to me closer. "At least, are you two happy together?" he asked me seriously.

I nodded, looking into his eyes. Something has changed. He has looked different now.

"Admit it to yourself, you never had such a beautiful and innocent life."

I nodded. "You know me very well, Jeonghan." He smiled.

"Of course, I do. I always did."

24 Days | SoonSeok ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat