Time: 5:13

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We've fought our way through the cellblock and into the main room of the, well, dungeon. Marty and I lead the other ghosts against the agents, and we are winning. However. We are still behind bars inside the dungeon itself. Ghost agents are clamoring to keep us in, trying to aid their friends without actually coming in and opening the gate. I start fighting them through the bars for their keys.

I almost don't recognize the hands that take hold of me.

"Trevor??" I grip him so tightly it must surely bruise, "You can see me???"

"Yeah, we're on your side, literally and figuratively, where's Axel?"

"Great fucking question," I sigh.

"I'm listening to the radios— he's killing his way down from the top floor," oh I know this person.

Damn Trevor, where do you find these people?

"Oh hi, fuck you." She flips me off.

"Were you or were you not trying to poison me?" I ask. Backstory we don't have time for : I briefly met this witch while she tried to kidnap me and Axel and Omar and I dumped some boiling potion thing on her. Longer story than that, but that mostly covers it.

"Oh, I was," she says, calmly.

"Okay then---I need to get out of here and find Axel," I say.

"Working on it," Trevor says, fishing a set of keys out of his pocket, "Just a minute."

"What---why—where would you get a key to this creepy dungeon?" the witch asks.

"I collect keys! So sue me!"

"I'm fairly sure many people would if they knew what keys you had," I point out.

"Here, this one, got it," he says, trying a key in the door.

"Thank you---wait how is it you can see me —can Axel?" I ask, as I exit the cell and the other ghosts start rushing past me.

"Definitely not, we're on your side of the veil," the witch says.

"Can you bring me to your side?" I ask, hopefully.

"Let me try," she says, holding out her hands, "Do you trust me?"

"Do I have a choice?" I ask.

She grins and takes my hands. I feel a sharp tug, then nothing.

"No, it won't work—he's stuck on that side," she sighs.

"I still need to get to Axel," I say.

"Yeah go, we'll hold them off down here, stairs are that way," Trevor says, drawing twin knives from his jacket.

"Go," the witch nods, "And run. Many are dying."

I don't need to be told twice.

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