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"So, Chloe was right." Ladybug jumped and quickly turned around. Chat was standing in the doorway, his green eyes glowing both literally and figuratively with hurt and disappointment. Cataclysm was crackling in his hand.

"Chat! This isn't... this isn't what it looks like," she said. She turned around to face him while hiding the Miraculous box behind her back.

"Of all the people to catch on to your plan, you let Chloe figure out what you were trying to do?"

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "You're sending me mixed signals. Are you mad because I let Chloe find me out or because I'm stealing the Miraculous box."

"Both," he said. "More of the second than the first. Master Fu trusted you. He said you were his best student."

"This isn't about Master Fu."

"Then what is this about?" He was very close to yelling.

"My main mission is to obtain the Miraculous box. I was assigned this mission by my organization because they knew that I wouldn't let anything jeopardize it, especially not my emotions. But... then I met you."

"So what is this? Some kind of confession?" Chat folded his arms, making sure not to let his Cataclysm touch him.


Chat was thrown back to a wall by the explosion. The wall opposite of them now had a gaping hole in the middle of it. Whirling and whooshing could hear just before a helicopter lowered in front of the hole. The pilot threw a ladder out. Ladybug started walking towards the ladder.

Chat tried to stand up but a sharp pain shot up his leg. His vision was blurry but when he looked down even if it was blurry he knew he wasn't getting up anytime soon. He cursed under his breath and looked back up to see Ladybug holding the ladder in her hand, about to jump. He slammed the ground with her fist,

"You were the one thing in this damned world I trusted, please, don't make me regret that decision!" He yelled over the whirling propellers

She didn't turn around to face him but she ducked her head. He could vaguely see her shaking her head. "I'm sorry."

And she jumped.

The helicopter took off into the night sky just as the other Miraculous Holders flooded into the room.

The Miraculous Box was gone and so was Chat's trust for Ladybug.

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