Hacker AU

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The clicking of his fingers typing on the keyboard were beginning to become nerves-racking.

Adrien had gotten a call from his employer and had to go out on a recon mission. He'd been gone all day and some of the night. Marinette had fallen asleep on the couch while trying to wait for him.

When she woke up she was wrapped up in a blanket and could hear the faint rapid clicking of someone typing on a keyboard from Adrien's room in the back.

His room is more like his hacking room. It was a room left empty after Marinette and Adrien had moved everything into their house. Instead of making it into a storage room, Adrien moved his computer setup, his gaming chair and a desk into the room and soon it just become his own personal hacking room.

The room was dark as usual. You wouldn't think anyone was inside if there wasn't the sound of rapid typing and if the computer screens didn't illuminate Adrien's face while different series of codes were scrolling down the screen. He didn't seem to notice her coming in. He had his headphones on.

"Adrien." His eyes stayed on the codes scrolling down the screen.

"Adrien!" She quietly walked beside him and tapped him on his shoulder. He jumped out of his skin and scrambled to pull his headphones off. He stared at Marinette wide-eyed from ove his shoulder, "Trying to give me heart attack, Marinette?"

Marinette crossed her arms over her chest, "It's past midnight Adrien. You've been up all day. You need some sleep."

"Sleep is for the weak." He spun back around to his computer.

"Well sleep deprivation isn't for the strong." Marinette grabbed the back of Adrien's rolling chair and spun him back around. "You've been gone working 24/7 without a break. It's not healthy, Adrien."

He sighed. "I know. Just let me finish hacking this last code and I'll come to bed, okay."

Marinette looked skeptical. "That's what you said last time when you said you'd go to bed after one last code but instead you stayed in here hacking until you crashed."

"Well this time I mean it."

"Pinky promise." He entwined their pinkies together.

"11:00 o'clock. Any later than that and I'm dragging you to bed."

"I'll be there in a minute." He spun back around in his chair and started back hacking. Marinette closed the door behind her on the way out.

It was 10:59 when Adrien got in the bed and pulled the covers up and over himself.

"Goodnight kitten."

Marinette giggled after Marinette nudged her in her side. "No code names in the bedroom."

"Go to bed, you dork!"

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