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Everyone has a weakness. Some are too tough to admit their while others are too scared. But what they don't know is that showing their weakness makes them stronger in the end.

"Chat, What's your weakness?"

Chat Noir was taken back by the sudden question. At the end of their patrol they decided to stop at the Eiffel Tower. Sitting the on the beams of the Eiffel Tower in dilence for about a hour, they haven't said a word to each other. Her sudden question was unexpected.


"Your weakness. What is it?"

Chat thought over the question. "I don't have one," he replied with a shrug.

Ladybug scoffed and turned towards him with her arms folded and her smirk revealed, "Oh come on. Everyone has a weakness."

"Well I'll tell you mine when I find it."

A loud explosion erupted before Ladybug could respond. Their head whipped around toward the source if the noise. Ladybug turned towards Chat with her eyes filled with determination, "Let's go."

Chat held onto before she swung them off the tower and the explosion.

A man in a blue spandex suit with a yellow lightening pendent on his chest draining electricity from the power plant.

"Well isn't this a shocking surprise," Chat joked.

Ladybug shook her head at the terrible pun before getting back to the matter at hand, "An akuma barely comes out at night. Wonder why this is out late."

"No idea but he needs to be stopped."

The electric man then noticed them and stopped draining the power plant. Instead he turned towards them and shot lightening at them from his fingers. They dodged the attack but it got harder as he began an endless onslaught of shooting lightening.

"We're getting absolutely nowhere," Chat commented as he dodged another blast.

"I know. But it doesn't seem like he's gonna stop anytime soon. One of us has got to get over there to that generator. It has a loose wire that could surely suck the energy from him."

"Okay but where's the akuma?"

"The lightening pendent on his chest."

"I'll take care of the akuma while you go get the wire."

Ladybug nodded and ran towards the power generator as Chat raised his staff and charged at the akuma. The akuma had gotten a few hits on Chat as he tried to distract him for his Lady.

When he saw Ladybug sneak up behind the akuma he double-flipped five feet away from the akuma and blocked his face when the wire made contact with the akuma's back, resulting in him crying out in pain.

"Chat get the pendent!"

Just as he was about to attack the electrical man, he recovered and shot Ladybug in the stomach.

She flew back and painfully crashed into one of the many wired fences surrounding the plant and left a dent in it as she painfully crashed to the ground and went unconscious.


The akuma yanked the wire from his back then smirked at Ladybug's pained state. White searing hot rage filled Chat's very being at seeing his Lady's unconscious body scrunched up in pain and the akuma's amusement from it.

His knuckles turned white as he gripped his staff to the point of it's destruction and charged at the akuma from behind. The staff met the back of his head and Chat's foot met his shin.

The lightening pendent fell from the akuma's chest and crushed from the impact of the ground as he toppled over on pain holding his leg.

"Ladybug," he ran over towards her and buried his head in the crook of head neck as head cradled her fragile body.

"C-chat. What are y-you-"

"You wanted to know what my weakness was. My weakness is one I'm afraid to admit for your safety. I have to be strong. I can't admit my weaknesses if I want to keep you save."


"Your my weakness Ladybug. My love for you is my weakness. A weakness that I'm blessed to have and would never give up."

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