Let me

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Ladybug was so tired she could barely stand. After having to deal with Chloe all day at school, designing three dresses for Mr. Agreste, a late night study session, and having to fight two extremely tough akumas, her legs felt like noodles. She yawned as she heavily leaned against A/C unit beside her.

"You okay, Ladybug?" Suddenly Chat was beside her, not touching her but close enough to catch her if she fell.

"I'm okay, just a little tired." Her eyes were getting heavy and her were so wobbly that she if she let go of the A/C unit she knew she was going to fall. But Chat didn't have to know that.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look like you can hardly stand."

"I'll be fine. My house is just a few buildings away." Her world suddenly tilted and she became airborne. When she realized what was happening her legs were wrapped around Chat's waist and her arms were wrapped around his neck. "What are you doing?!"

"You're too tired. Which way are you going? I'll carry you the rest of the way."

Her legs had fallen asleep and her body was slowly starting to shut down right along with them. It was getting harder to keep her eyes open. If she don't let Chat carry her, she's sure she wouldn't be able to make it of this rooftop.

"Ten houses north." A yawn broke through her words. She rested her head on Chat's shoulder when she felt her body getting heavier. She knew Chat had her though when she felt them go weightless.

Ladybug knew she must have fallen asleep when the next thing she felt was gentle tapping on her shoulder. When she opened her eyes they were still on top of a rooftop but she could see her house a few blocks down.

She climbed down off of Chat's back, wobbling slightly when her feet hit the ground. "I think I can make it from here."

"Are you sure?" Chat held onto her elbow to steady her. "You still look kinda tired."

"I'll be okay since I had a small nap. Thanks Chat." She shocked Chat when she reached up on the tip of her toes and kissed him on the cheek. His shock pooled into a dopey grin as he bowed. "Anytime milady."

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